Remember Bun, Fish Consumption Is Important For Growing Child Flower

JAKARTA - Fish consumption to support optimizing children's growth and development is important as an effort to prevent stunting. Animal protein content in fish is a good energy source for children.

"Animated protein consumption, especially fish, is very good for supporting children's growth and development," said a health expert, a specialist in Clinical Nutrition, Febriani, SpGK, FINEM, AIFO-K.

The doctor who practices at the Hj Anna Lasmanah Hospital in Banjarnegara, Central Java, added that the protein content contained in the fish is very high. "Fish is also easy to digest by children and contains amino acids in a form that is close to amino acids in the human body," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 26.

He added that the amino taurine acid contained in fish can play a major role in brain development and stimulate brain cell growth in toddlers and in the first 1,000 days of life or the golden age of child growth.

"Therefore, parents can increase the consumption of animal protein to meet the nutritional needs of their children, especially fish or other animal protein," he said.

He said other animal proteins that are also important in supporting the growth and development of children, including eggs, meat, and so on.

"In addition to increasing the number of animal protein, don't forget to keep including fat in the portion of children's food according to daily needs," he said.

According to him, parents still need to pay attention to the macronutrient content, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals and water for the child's portion.

"Fulfilling a balanced nutritious diet will be beneficial for children's growth and development, especially in supporting stunting prevention efforts," he said.

Meanwhile, field epidemiologist from Jenderal Sudirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto, Dr. Yudhi Wibowo, said that the National Nutrition Day which is commemorated every January 25 is the right momentum to strengthen education to the public regarding the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

"National Nutrition Day is the right moment to strengthen socialization and education about the importance of a healthy lifestyle through balanced nutritious intake," he said.

The lecturer at the Unsoed Faculty of Medicine, Purwokerto, Central Java, added that currently there are three things that need the attention of all parties, from stakeholders to the public.

"These three things include non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, and nutritional problems, both for more nutrition and malnutrition, including stunting," said Yudhi Wibowo.