VOI Editor's Choice 2020 Series Posts

JAKARTA - Reporting and research are the main souls of struggling in the world of journalism. We combine those two things into the Writing Series channel.

Created in a series with in-depth planning and reinforcing data and facts, Series Posts are VOI's way of showing focus on a topic. The distribution of content in this channel is carried out in series.

To bring back your memories related to the Writing Series that we have made, here we attach three selected themes.

Strong because of Medicine
Photo / Illustration (Irfan Meidianto, Ilham Amin / VOI)

This series with the theme of strong medicine is deliberately made the focus to see the extent to which vitality has become a symbol of male strength. Because, this symbol has from generation to generation influenced the sexual behavior of men. Even since ancient times, kings in the archipelago have used potions to reinforce their courage in bed.

However, even though the times have changed, the matter of courage remains the same. Only the shape and pattern have changed. We also tried to investigate the complexity of men's sexual lives, the use of strong drugs, and their relation to symbols of power.

Among other things, the history line of strong drugs, the map of the problem of vitality among strong drug users, the addiction to strong drug suggestions, the problem of self-confidence resulting in the problem of vitality, the strong drug industry forming a collective perception of ideal sex, the role of players in the strong medicine industry, a place where we can get strong drugs, and the principle of legality.

"This process (sex) makes him (a man) feel manly if he can control it all. But, unfortunately, if it's only biological that can be controlled with drugs, that's fine. But, don't forget that the whole about sex is about what you think, about how you feel, "says sexual psychologist Zoya Amirin.

Strong because of Medicine


Authors: Detha Arya Tifada, Putri Ainur Islam, Ramdan Febrian, Yudhistira Mahabharata

Design: Ilham Amen

Video: Debi Astari, Muhammad Iqbal

Photo: Irfan Meidianto

Audio: Mahesa ARK


When is the Board Established
Photo illustration (Wardhany Tsa Tsia / VOI)

Today, the dream of having a home for the younger generation is utopian. It is becoming increasingly impossible that the meager source of income and the ever-increasing house price is the problem. For this reason, in writing this series, we try to discuss the dream of having an easy generation house and all the problems that surround it.

In writing this series, we made a lot of reference to the 2018 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). In which, the contents emphasized that in Jakarta only 47.85 people have houses.

While the rest are contracted. This means that those who do not have a home remain in the majority. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) may call the word millennial a generation that will have difficulty owning a home. However, in truth, this board problem will be experienced by many generations in the future. Millennial, gen z, or whoever they are labeled.

After that, the writings of this series explore a lot regarding the reluctance of the government in presenting cheap houses, about the millennial generation who are targeted to buy houses on the outskirts of Jakarta, Islamic housing, and all kinds of things.

Strong because of Medicine


Authors: Detha Arya Tifada, Putri Ainur Islam, Ramdan Febrian, Wardhany Tsa Tsia, Yudhistira Mahabharata

Design: Ilham Amen

Photo: Irfan Meidianto

Audio: Mahesa ARK


Don't Panic It's Organic
Illustration (Ilham Amin / VOI)

In the big theme of Writing Series: Don't Panic This Is Organic, we see the suggestion of an Acehnese artist who is currently in Commission VI of the Social Justice Party (PKS) Faction, Rafli Kande, for the discourse on marijuana export as a form of courage. Because, various parties took action. The panicked immediately rejected this idea. Marijuana, as the government always reveals, is a haram and haram thing.

However, we are also trying to match the discourse with what various countries in the world are trying to do with marijuana. This is because many countries in the world seem to use five finger plants for both medical and recreational purposes. So, we conducted research in order to get an idea of the discourse on cannabis exports, and efforts to encourage the use of the five-finger plant. The reason, none other than because in this country do not export, for research only, the policy owners are absurdly anti.

"If it is related to research, there has not been any progress related to medicine to this day. But because we make something, it turns out that it requires strong effort and political will. So we are not prioritizing it for the time being. But we are prioritizing to do research on how the regulatory system for plant utilization marijuana in Indonesia, ”said the leader of the National Cannabis Circle, Dhira Narayana.

Don't Panic It's Organic


Authors: Detha Arya Tifada, Putri Ainur Islam, Ramdan Febrian, Wardhany Tsa Tsia, Yudhistira Mahabharata

Design: Ilham Amen

Photo: Irfan Meidianto

Audio: Mahesa ARK
