Interview 2020 Pilihan Redaksi VOI

JAKARTA - Interview is a space provided by VOI for selected figures. There are three things that are the common threads of every interview content: thoughts, experiences, and works.

In line with what has been said by literary expert from Andries Teeuw (1921-2012) that humans are homo fabulans: creatures who tell stories, who have literature. In terms of interviews, "muruah" humans as creatures tell stories that we put forward.

Of the many figures perched on the Interview channel in 2020, there are three stories that we chose. Through intimate and in-depth conversations, we dig into the experience of Febri Diansyah during his time as a member of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), lifting the work of the genius musician Hazen Mardial through his three characters, to deepen the thoughts of "silent actor" who won the Citra Cup Gunawan Maryanto and all his reflections.

Febri Diansyah
Febri Diansyah (Mahesa ARK / VOI)

The event that Febri Diansyah's resignation from the KPK has shocked the public. Even though Febri is not the leader, he has been an important face for the KPK in the past few years. Equally with that, Monday, September 28, we tried to interview him regarding his inner journey of deciding to resign.

Resignation, said Febri, was a difficult matter. Febri went through a long inner journey to arrive at her decision to resign. A student demonstration one year ago triggered all anxiety, when many students took to the streets to reject the revision of the KPK Law. Febri is aware that he cares for the KPK so much. And when the government and the DPR passed the bill into Law Number 19 of 2019, the turmoil in Febri's chest intensified.

"In several countries in the world, the 'KPK' can be strong because there is very strong political support. Its political power wants the country to be free from corruption. But if its political power considers the KPK as a bully, as a fan of making a scene, for example. , a child that is not wanted, there is no way that the KPK can become strong. So political commitment is the most important. Is there now a strong political commitment to the KPK? Many parties can answer that. So let's just look for literature and opinions related to this matter. that."

"[LEGAL] Febri Diansyah | About One Year Full of Anxiety at the KPK"


Reporter: Wardhany Tsa Tsia, Ramdan Febrian

Photographer / Audio: Mahesa ARK


Hazen Mardial
Hazen Mardial (Source: Special)

Hazen Mardial is a phenomenal musician figure in 2020. It's not just a matter of music albums that he releases on porn sites. The distribution of "Best Album in the Solar System" carries an important message about boundaries. In this Inverviu, we try to explore the meaning of the limits of the head of a person who knows almost no boundaries.

Overall, we can feel the strong elements of new school hip hop in "Best Album in the Solar System". The psychedelic element that is identical to the musical character of Mamang Kesbor, which is "drifting" can also be enjoyed as a common thread in the album. Another common thread is the theme. The Best Album in the Solar System raised strong social criticism. Not patronizing, but satire. Mardial places the character of Mamang Kesbor as part of the social order that has been criticized.

"I touched on social issues, but the character I touched was the story of Si Mamang Kesbor itself. That's why like in the song Amer or Sebat. In the past, the criticism was that in Amer it was a drunken but tacky phenomenon. Well, that's the character of Mamang Kesbor himself who is tacky. Then, Sebat In the past, about the mager culture of the Indonesians, you have to confuse it first. There is also the character Si Mamang Kesbor. Like that. "

"[MUSIC] Hazen Mardial | About the Limits of Thinking and the World in Three Characters"


Reporter: Yudhistira Mahabharata

Audio: Mahesa ARK


Gunawan Maryanto
Gunawan Maryanto (Source: Special)

Gunawan Maryanto and the film The Science of Fictions are a complete package for the entertainment universe. Through the Siman character who moves like an astronaut. This film is so interesting. This film speaks volumes about the times. Not only the past but also what has happened.

For example, life problems are fast paced and pragmatic like today. Does slowness have no value in life today? Right, indeed. Sepragmatic that is the age at work now. But what's wrong with moving slowly? The Science of Fictions also brings up that point, in our personal catch, at least. Gunawan Maryanto agreed.

"Even in living Siman's slow motion, I think so, yes. In this slowness, yes. Because Siman's motion is not my daily motion. So I also encounter another reality in this slowness. I actually encounter many things. other, that I don't encounter when I'm moving normally or moving fast. At least appreciation of my body, appreciation of my emotions, appreciation of my thoughts or ideas, so this is a touch for a life that moves so fast this What are you actually chasing after? Why do you have to hurry? After all, we will die too. Sooner or later. "

"[FILM] Gunawan Maryanto | About Siman, Truth, and Moving Slow in the Fast Age"


Reporter: Yudhistira Mahabharata

Audio: Mahesa ARK