FPI Declares A New Name: Islamic United Front

JAKARTA - The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was dissolved and the government is prohibited from doing activities. Now, the FPI ranks have declared a new name, namely the Islamic United Front.

There are 19 people who claim to declare the Islamic United Front. Among them are FPI Chairman Ahmad Sabri Lubis and General Secretary Munarman.

Other names are Abu Fihir Alattas, Abdurrahman Anwar, Abdul Qadir, Awit Mashuri, Haris Ubaidillah, Idrus Al Habsyi, Idrus Hasan, Ali Alattas, Ali Alattas, I Tuankota Basalamah, Syafiq Alaydrus, Baharuzaman, Amir Ortega, Syahroji, Waluyo, Joko, and M. Luthfi.

"To all administrators, members and sympathizers of the Islamic Defenders Front throughout Indonesia and abroad, to avoid unnecessary matters and clashes with wrongdoing regimes, we hereby declare the Islamic United Front to continue the struggle to defend religion, nation and state accordingly. with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, "wrote the official statement of the Islamic United Front received by VOI, Wednesday, December 30.

The declarator of the Islamic United Front considered the government's decision to dissolve FPI against the applicable law.

They refer to the decision of the Constitutional Court 82 / PPU-XI / 2013, in the legal considerations on page 125 which states that an organization can register itself at every level of the government agency authorized to do so.

On the other hand, based on the principle of freedom of association and association, an organization that does not register with the authorized government agency does not receive services from the government (state), but cannot determine that the organization is a prohibited mass organization, or the state cannot prohibit the organization's activities as long as it does not carry out its activities. activities that disturb security, public order, or violate the law.

"Whereas because the Joint Decree violates the constitution and is against the law, in substance the Joint Decree does not have legal force in terms of both legality and legitimacy," wrote the statement.

The government prohibits all activities or activities of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). This prohibition is contained in a joint decree signed by 6 officials.

"So with this prohibition (FPI) does not have a legal standing, to the central government and local government officials if there is an organization acting on behalf of FPI it is deemed to have no existence and must be rejected because there is no legal standing as of today," said the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

Mahfud MD emphasized that FPI no longer has legal standing. Therefore, all activities are prohibited.

This joint decree was signed by Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly, Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate, Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, National Police Chief General Idham Azis, Head of the Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Boy Rafli Amar .