Colderra's Dersik Is More Contained Through The Emphasis Of Nada And Vocal Growl

JAKARTA - Malang's power metal band Colderra released a new single titled Dersik. This song tells a story of a situation where someone always hears voices around, but is not in nature.

Dersik is a follow-up to three previously released songs, namely Cracked, Holy Fire, and Jouska. Initially, this song was planned to be present in the final months of 2022. However, it was delayed until it was released earlier this year.

"The three of us have their own personal lives and jobs, so because there must be a priority for new activities to be released in early 2023. In addition, at the end of last year we were still on the bike," Colderra said in his statement.

The meaning of 'dersik' according to KBBI is the impression or sound of the wind. However, for the vocalist Iwan, it means that it becomes wider in elaboration.

For someone else, if I sometimes at certain moments, especially when I'm alone in a quiet place, it's like there are voices who invite me to talk or say something. It's just in my mind or there is a substance that does it, I can't explain for sure either," he said.

Dersik is different from the previous songs. The composition was made by the drummer and programmer Yasa Wijaya, who previously only dominated the production technical sector. The more different it was because Dersik displayed background sounds with growl vocal characters, making the song more tone-pressive.

During the recording process in the studio, there was another friend hanging out named Jihad, he was the vocalist of Dawn Of Impurity with the characterISE and crowding. It would be more fitting if he joined the backing because the concept of the song was indeed heavier than before. It's not a feature, it's just helping to back up vocals," explained Iboer the guitarist.

Colderra said that after Dersik, they would release the mini album before their second full album was released.

"Hopefully there won't be many obstacles in the process, sometimes there are things that don't match the planning. Understandably, the band often becomes the umpteenth number from priority," concluded Dersik.