Millions Of Passengers Crowded 15 Angkasa Pura I Airport On Christmas And New Year Holidays

JAKARTA - PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) recorded an increase in airplane passengers during the Christmas 2020 and New Year 2021 holidays. The number of passengers successfully transported at 15 airports managed by Angkasa Pura I reached 1,230,488 passengers.

President Director of Angkasa Pura I, Faik Fahmi, said that of the 15 airports managed by Angkasa Pura I, there are three airports that experienced passenger growth during the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays.

The three airports are Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, Juanda International Airport and Ngurah Rai International Airport.

"If we look from December 18 to 29, the number of passengers successfully transported at 15 airports is around 1,230,488 passengers," he said in a virtual conference, Wednesday, December 30.

Furthermore, Faik said, during the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays, the average passenger served at 15 AP I airports is around 102,541 passengers. According to him, this figure is up about 5 percent compared to the daily average before the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays or on December 1 to 15, 2020, which recorded 97,526 passengers.

"This means that there is an increase in the early December period, then into the Nataru period. However, the increase is not too significant, maybe around 5 percent," he explained.

According to Faik, this slight increase was in line with the issuance of SE Task Force COVID-19 number 3 in 2020, together with the SE from the Ministry of Transportation number 22 of 2020. Where there are tightening regulations regarding passengers who will use air transportation.

"However, despite the tightening in reality, the number of passengers being transported has increased," he said.

Previously, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) recorded an increasing trend in the movement of domestic tourists to Bali on the Christmas and New Year 2021 holidays. Cumulatively, the number of tourists entering Bali via Ngurah Rai Airport reached 46,979 people from 18 to 24 December 2020.

Angkasa Pura I Stakeholder Relations Manager Ngurah Rai Taufan Yudhistira said the incision indicated that the PCR swab rule did not automatically reduce the level of tourist visits to Bali.

"When viewed from December 18, 2020 or the first day of the 2020 Christmas Transportation Monitoring Post and New Year 2021 to December 24, 2020, the trend tends to increase. But the first day of PCR implementation has decreased," he said when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, December 25 .

Taufan explained that on December 18 the number of arrivals was recorded at 6,102 people. Then, on December 19 the number of arrivals was recorded at 5,318 people.

Then, on December 20, there was an increase, although not significant, namely 6,289 people. Meanwhile, on December 21, the number of domestic tourist arrivals was 4,630 people.

Meanwhile, on 22 December, AP I again recorded an increase in arrivals of 5050 people. Meanwhile, on December 23, there was an increase in arrivals of 9,263 people.

The trend of increasing passengers also takes place on H-1 Christmas or December 24, 2020, where the tourist arrival rate has reached 10,327 people.