What Are The Differences Between The Village Head And Village Head?

YOGYAKARTA The difference between the village head and the village head is still often confused by the community. Although both are recognized in the government system, there are differences that must be known so as not to cause misunderstandings.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the understanding of the lurah is the head of the lowest level of government. Meanwhile, the understanding of the village head is the person who heads the village. Both are both related to the smallest regional government system, namely the village.

It should be noted that the village is the smallest composition of government in Indonesia. On the official website of the Denpasarkota, villages are the oldest legal institutions and identities of the original legal society. Meanwhile, the sub-district is the division of administrative areas whose positions are under the sub-district.

The difference between the village head and village head is as follows.

The most striking difference between the village head and village head is in terms of his leadership. The village head is the village leader who is part of the village. Meanwhile, the village head is the designation for the position that leads a village. The village head also helped solve various village problems.

The status of positions between the village head and the village head is also different. An village head has the status of a civil servant (PNS) and is paid by the state from the Regency/City APBD. Meanwhile, the village head has his employment status not as a civil servant.

In addition to employment status, the system for appointing village heads and village heads is also different. A village head is appointed through an election attended by all registered villagers. The election is held through the choice of the village head (Pilkades). Thus one must meet the requirements to become a village head first before participating in the Pilkades.

Meanwhile, a head of his leadership was appointed directly by the mayor or regent.

The term of office of the village head is also limited to a maximum of 6 years and can still apply three times, either consecutively or not. This is as explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 84 of 2015.

Meanwhile, the village head's term of office is longer because the lurah has the status of a civil servant, the village head's tenure follows a retirement period or is adjusted to the decision of a regent-level official or mayor. The village head's retirement period as a civil servant is no later than 55 years old.

The mention of the representative body of each position is also different even though it is both the policy control of its leadership.

An village head represents a representative body called the DK or the Kelurahan Council. Meanwhile, the village head represents the BPD or Bada Representative Village.

Both the village head and village head are equally responsible for financing. The source of village development financing comes from community initiatives while village development funds are taken from the APBD.

The salaries of a village head and lurah are also different. The salaries of the village head are regulated by the government through Government Regulation (PP) Number 11 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

Article 81 paragraph (1) states that the village head's fixed income is taken from the Village Budget sourced from the Village Fund Allocation. Then in Article 81 paragraph (2) it is stated that the village head receives a minimum salary of Rp2,426,640 or equivalent to 120 percent of the basic salary of civil servants class II/a.

Meanwhile, the village head's salary is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No. 100 of 2000 concerning the Appointment of Civil Servants in Structural Positions. In the PP, it is said that the village head must have the lowest civil servant class III-B and the highest is III-D with a basic salary of IDR 2,688,500 and a maximum of IDR 4,797,000 per month.

That's information related to differences in village heads and village heads. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.