Twitter's Timeline View Now Will Live Up To What You Last See

JAKARTA - Some time ago, Twitter launched a new feature for its application timeline. Where, Elon Musk's social media platform added two new tabs, namely the For You tab and Following.

These two tabs serve to personalize your timeline display. With For You, you'll see a typical timeline display, where the tweets shown highlight tweets based on what's relevant to users.

While on the Following tab, Twitter will only display tweets from the accounts you follow, and the display will be based on the latest time of the tweet.

With this update, even if you prefer to switch to the Following tab, you will be redirected to the For You tab when reopening Twitter, after closing it.

It seems that the appearance of For You by default when opening the Twitter timeline has caused a bit of criticism. Because, maybe for some people shifting tabs to Following makes them tired.

Hearing these complaints, Twitter immediately updated the appearance of your default timeline. Where, your timeline display will follow the display before you close the app.

"Are any of you (all) asking for your timeline to default to where you last left it? Starting today on the web, if you close Twitter on the "For You" or "Following" tab, you will return to any timeline that was last opened," the company wrote on Twitter.

Unfortunately, this capability is only available to those of you who open Twitter via the web. Even so, Twitter says that this capability will soon be present on the iOS and Android apps in the near future.