Increase Quality And Global Competitiveness, Ministry Of Industry Holds Industrial Assistance Programs

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) through the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) has organized industrial assistance events as an effort to improve quality and competitiveness at the global level, some time ago.

This is one of the tasks and functions of the work unit within the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI), such as the Jakarta Standardization and Industrial Services Center (BSPJI).

These duties and functions are in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Industry Number 1 of 2022 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the Technical Implementation Unit of BSPJI Jakarta.

"The various services of the BSPJI owned by the Ministry of Industry aim to support the development of the industrial sector in Indonesia," said BSKJI Secretary of the Ministry of Industry E. Ratna Utarianingrum in an official statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 24.

Ratna said, there are several services that have been carried out by BSPJI Jakarta in 2022, including SNI product certification services with 552 customers, ISO 9001 certification (54 customers), green industry certification (six customers), ISO 22000 certification (two customers), ISO 14001 certification (two customers), and energy saving certification (four customers).

"In addition, this activity can support the implementation of the import substitution program," said Ratna.

The BSPJI Jakarta IN (dustrial) MOVE (MENT) assistance agenda of two was attended by 1,890 participants consisting of industry players, academics, as well as representatives of the government and institutions.

The series of activities consist of 12 types of training with the main goal of improving the quality of industrial management and the competence of human resources.

The training provided includes an Explanation of the Minister of Industry Regulation Number 45 of 2022 concerning Industrial Standardization, Procedures for Application and Verification of TKDN Certifications, Application of Green Industrial Principles, Digitization with the introduction of industry 4.0, Introduction of Halal Industry, Application and Certification of Halal Security Systems in Industry, Procedures for Application for Goods Registration Numbers, and Understanding of Reading the Results of Dimensional and Mass Circular Equipment.

Then, the introduction of SNI ISO 14001:2015 and Environmental Management and Regulation Systems related to Environment, Implementation, Requirements and guidelines for the use of SMK3 (Security Management System and Work Health), Application of SNI ISO 9001: 2015 (Mutu Management System) in an application, Registration Procedures, Delegation of Brands and License Agreements, as well as Procedures for Approval/Legalization of Business Licensing from Embassys or Consulates abroad.

Meanwhile, Head of BSPJI Jakarta, Lilind Handayaringrum, said that by participating in webinar activities, domestic industry players can follow market trends and are able to compete globally.

"In addition, industrial human resources need to understand regulations related to the implementation of industrial activities, such as industrial standardization, license for SNI products, brand certificates, and foreign business licensing," he said.

According to Lilih, the implementation of the presentation of the material was well followed by all participants. This can be seen from the active discussion between the resource person and the participant who showed interest from the participants in the material presented.

"Positive comments were also conveyed by the participants regarding the implementation of the activity, as stated on one of the social media channels of BSPJI Jakarta, namely @bspji_jakarta, 'Wow, all the materials are very interesting and useful, especially in dealing with the industrial era 4.0'," he concluded.