"League 2 Is Canceled Stopped," Continued The Competition Starting February 24 After The Extraordinary Congress, But...

JAKARTA - The 2022/2023 League competition has been canceled. However, the continuation will be submitted to the new PSSI management.

That is based on the results of the Liga 2 owner meeting at the Sultan Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 24, 2023. The meeting started at 15.00 WIB, briefly suspended at 18.00 WIB before it was resumed and finished at 21.00 WIB.

"Today, we have scheduled it to do a review again and what we have conveyed is about the breakthrough in the continuation of the league with the bubble system," said Director of PT LIB Ferry Paulus.

The kick off of Liga 2 is planned to be carried out on February 24 or after the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) for the election of general chairman, general representative, and executive committee on February 16.

Therefore, there is still a time lag for clubs to prepare themselves. However, the fate of the continuation of Liga 2 is very dependent on the new management later.

"First, related to the end of the competition, several clubs are resting so we designed the kick off of League 2 to take place on February 24. This means that LIB makes plans to provide space for the club to prepare themselves in a new competition with a bubble system," said Ferry.

As is known, PSSI previously dismissed the competence of League 2 and League 3 for the 20222023 season at the Executive Committee (Exco) meeting on Thursday, January 12.

Stop the impact of the Kanjuruhan tragedy that occurred on October 1, 2022 and claimed 135 lives. The Indonesian League 1 itself was then continued, but League 2 and 3 were stopped for several reasons.

The decision also drew criticism from many contestant clubs. Persipura Jayapura, which last season was relegated, was one of the most vocal urging PSSI to resume the competition.

Persipura manager Yan Mandenas said the results of the owner meeting were urging the current PSSI management to later recommend the continuation of League 2 to new administrators.

"In principle, everything was explained earlier technically to be able to cover up the current problems faced, both by PSSI and LIB. Whoever the General Chair is elected, League 2 must be continued. Because this is a matter of consistency. Otherwise, this will set a bad precedent," he said.

The termination of the competition made several contestant clubs have actually dissolved their squad. One of them is PSMS Medan which permanently repatriated the squad.

The following are 27 teams that attended the owner meeting, namely Persiraja Banda Aceh, PSMS Medan, PSDS Deli Serdang, Karo United, Semen Padang FC, PSPS Riau, Sriwijaya FC, Perserang Serang, PSKC Cimahi.

FC Bekasi City, Persikab Kab. Bandung, PSCS Cilacap, Persekat Tegal, Persip Pati, Persijap Jepara, PSIM Yogyakarta, Nusantara United FC, Persela Lamongan, Gresik United FC.

Deltras FC Sidoarjo, Putra Delta Sidoarjo, Central Kalimantan Putra FC, Persiba Balikpapan, North Sulawesi United, Babel United Persipal, PSBS Biak, Persewar Waropen, Persipura Jayapura