Former Officer Of The Directorate General Of Taxes Angin Prayitno Was Charged With Receiving Rupiah Billions Of Gratification From The Company And Individual Taxpayers

JAKARTA - Former Director of Audit and Collection at the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno, is said to have received gratuities of up to tens of billions.Penerimaan dituangkan dalam dakwaan yang dibacakan pada hari ini, Selasa, 24 Januari di Pengadilan Tipikor pada Pengadilan Jakarta Pusat."Doing or participating in several acts that must be seen as independent acts so that they constitute several crimes, receiving gratuities in the form of money," said the indictment read by the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU).Prosecutors said Angin received gratuities in various currency denominations. In rupiah denominations he received Rp8.2 billion.Then in Singapore dollar he received money which amounted to Rp4.3 billion. As for the United States dollar currency, the amount received by Angin reached Rp5 billion.Next, Angin also received the amount of Rp1,912,5000; Singapore dollars worth Rp575 million; and US dollars Rp1.25 billion.Furthermore, he also received another gratuity which amounted to Rp25,767,667,100. The receipt was carried out together with five former civil servants (PNS) at the Directorate of Audit and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes Dadan Ramdani, Wawan Ridwan, Alfred Simanjuntak, Yumanizar and Febrian.The money was given by PT Rigunas Agri Utama in February 2018. Angin, Dadan, Wawan, Alfred, Yulmanizar and Febrian received Rp1.5 billion which was divided."The defendant and Dadan Ramdani amounted to Rp675 million, while Rp675 million was divided equally to Wawan Ridwan, Alfred Simanjuntak, Yulmanizar and Febrian. The remaining Rp150 million was given to Gunawan Sumargo," said the prosecutor.The next gratuities came from CV Perjuangan Steel on June 25, 2018. Angin cs received US dollar money worth IDR 5 billion.Wind and Dadan get half. The rest is divided among Wawan, Alfred, Yulmanizar and Febrian.The third gratuity came from PT Indolampung Perkasa in July 2018. Angin cs received Singapore dollars worth IDR 3.6 billion. Jatah Angin and Dadan Rp800 million.Meanwhile, the remaining Rp2.5 billion was divided equally to Wawan, Alfred, Yulmanizar and Febrian and the remaining Rp300 million was used for the inspection cash.The fourth gratuity was received by Angin from PT Esta Indonesia on November 2, 2018. The total money received by Angin cs reached Rp4 billion. Of that amount, Angin and Dadan received Rp1.8 billion; while the tax consultant from the company received Rp400 million and the rest was divided equally for Wawan, Alfred, Yulmanizar and Febrian.Fifth, the granting of gratuities came from taxpayer Ridwan Pribadi on November 19, 2018. The total money earned by Angin cs was IDR 1.5 billion.The sixth hot money came from PT Walet Kembar Lestari on January 17, 2019. The total money received by Angin cs reached Rp1.2 billion.Finally, Angin received gratuities from PT Link Net in May 2019. The company's total money was IDR 700 million in Singapore dollars.Of that amount, Angin and Dadan received Rp350 million while the rest was for Wawan, Alfred, Yulmanizar and Febrian.Thus, the prosecutor noted that the total gratuity received by Angin from these details reached Rp29,505,167,100. This acceptance was considered guilty because Angin et al did not report it within 30 days of receiving it.As a result of his actions, Angin was charged with violating Article 12 B in conjunction with Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.