Bandar Lampung Still Recorded 7 Campak Cases Throughout 2022

BANDARLAMPUNG - The Bandarlampung City Government (Pemkot) is still receiving reports of settle cases throughout 2022. The city government recorded seven cases of▁besaril from 136 samples received and examined.

"The samples that we received and examined were 136. Of that number, seven positive samples of▁dirinyamptoms were found," said Acting Head of the Bandarlampung City Health Office, Desti Mega Putri, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 24.

He revealed that suspected symptoms were received from two-year-old, four-year-old, five-year-old, 11-year-old, and 18-year-old children.

"Indeed, this disease usually attacks school-age children. The causes are meatles and the rubella virus," he said.

He explained that the initial symptoms of a person who was suspected of barbaring would have a fever, the person's body would grow red spots (ruam), cough. and runny nose.

"We continue to strive so that the spread of▁dirinyamptom does not exist in Bandarlampung, by routine immunizations of infants and toddlers," he said.

Then, he continued, carried out pursuit immunization and the School Children's Immunization Month (BIAS) of▁dirinyamptomatics in grade 1 elementary school (SD) equivalent children.

"We also continue to encourage the socialization and promotion of health about diseases that can be prevented by immunization to the community, and also carry out samples on children suspected of intimidation to be sent to the provincial Health Office and continued to the center," he said.

He appealed to people who have infants, toddlers, and school-age children to complete the immunization of meatles and rubella in order to anticipate that their child will be exposed to▁besars.

"We also ask residents, if they have children with symptoms of fever, red spots, immediately go to the nearest puskesmas for treatment. Then if school children are exposed to smallpox, they should take a day off to prevent transmission," he said.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes) menyatakan 31 provinsi di Indonesia pada 2022 mengalami KLB barang.

There were 3,341 cases ofevacuation in 223 districts and cities throughout Indonesia.

The government since 2020 has continued to strive to overcomeisiquidemic and rubella disease with one of the strategies carried out through the implementation of the Rubella Caras (MR) immunization campaign.

Lampung Province in 2022 has carried out MR immunizations through BIAN simultaneously in 15 districts and cities, targeting an immunization of 1,598,957 children aged nine months to 12 years.