KPK Claims Save State Finances Of Up To IDR 30 Billion From The Pre-Employment Card Program

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) claims to have saved tens of billions of state funds due to studies and recommendations related to the Pre-Work Card program. He conveyed this as a result of his performance during 2020, especially in monitoring the use of budgets in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In the Pre-Employment Card study, apart from temporarily stopping this program, the KPK recommendation also had an impact on saving state funds amounting to Rp30.8 billion due to the elimination of the face recognition stage," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at the 2020 KPK Performance press conference broadcast on a YouTube account. RI KPK, Wednesday, December 30.

Alex explained that the KPK has indeed focused on government policies related to the social safety net program. Moreover, this program has the aim of helping people affected by COVID-19 both directly and in cash.

According to him, there are a number of safety net programs that are of concern, namely the pre-employment card program; social assistance programs (bansos) in the form of the family hope program (PKH), basic food assistance programs, and groceries cash assistance.

In addition, other programs of concern are the COVID-19 stimulus in the field of electricity or electricity discounts, rice social assistance, and subsidized assistance for workers whose wages are below IDR 5 million.

In order to prevent state losses, the KPK then produced 29 study reports consisting of 20 studies related to government programs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and 9 studies that were not related to COVID-19. From this study, the KPK succeeded in saving state finances amounting to IDR652.8 billion.

In addition to the pre-work card study, the KPK also conducted a study on synchronizing social safety net data so that overlapping does not occur. In the end, the KPK said that it had succeeded in saving state finances amounting to Rp622 billion.

"Data updating also needs to be carried out continuously by the regional government with the help of deconcentration funds from the center. By synchronizing data from BPJSTK with the Pre-Work Card in the workers wage subsidy assistance program, it can save the State money of Rp. 622 billion," he concluded.