Considered To Be Able To Accommodate Party Interest, KIB Solid Support Erick Thohir Cawapres 2024

JAKARTA - Director of the Political Literacy Desk Research and Consultation Institute (Polldesk) Faisal Riza said that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) solidly carries SOE Minister Erick Thohir as Vice Presidential Candidate 2024. Erick is considered to be able to accommodate the interests of Golkar, PPP, and PAN.
Faisal said that Erick Thohir was one of the figures who had a great opportunity to participate in the 2024 presidential election. Erick Thohir has a myriad of advantages that can be used to the fullest.
One of them is Erick Thohir's background, which comes from professionals, aka non-political parties (political parties), which is a separate advantage for him.
"This can be compared if non-party is proposed, such as a professional Erick Thohir. It is much lighter when discussed, such as conducting political incentives, it can be agreed," said Faisal, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 22, 2022.
Faisal said that this could be Erick Thohir's advantage, which is getting closer to being carried by KIB.
He assessed that Erick Thohir could be a middle ground that could accommodate the interests of the coalition of PAN, PPP, and the Golkar Party.
"KIB consists of three parties now. That political communication will be complicated when party cadres are proposed," he added.
This is not without reason. Faisal saw Erick Thohir as the right person to bridge any communication that was built within KIB. That way, his presence can further strengthen the vision of KIB for Indonesia in the future.
"So, parties in the coalition don't feel abandoned, don't feel involved," he asserted.