Chinese New Year Momentum, Governor Of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi Invites People To Take Care Of Brotherhood

Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi invited all religious communities in the area to maintain brotherhood at the Chinese New Year celebration 2574 Kongzili.

"Today, Chinese (citizens of descent, ed.) are celebrating New Year's Eve and we are elements of the government present to ensure the safety and smoothness of this Chinese New Year celebration," he said in Bandarlampung, Saturday, January 21 evening.

He said that in the Chinese New Year 2574 Kongzili moment, all religious people were also invited to continue to maintain brotherhood even in diversity and differences.

"This Chinese New Year event is not only Chinese citizens who celebrate, even various ethnic groups, today's religion is enthusiastic about crowding around the temple," he said.

He explained that Lampung Province is rich in ethnic diversity, race, religion that must be maintained.

"When it becomes a fairly good area in maintaining coolness between religious communities and ethnic groups. So this needs to be maintained so that it remains safe and peaceful," he said.

On Chinese New Year's Eve, his party will visit a number of monasteries and greet Buddhists who are praying and celebrating Chinese New Year.

"Our brother is currently praying and tomorrow celebrating Chinese New Year so he must be guarded, I am sure that with the sense of brotherhood between religious communities and the Lampung nation will progress," he said.

In welcoming the Chinese New Year, a number of monasteries in Bandarlampung City were seen as crowded with people from various ethnicities and religions.

In this Chinese New Year momentum, when Buddhists performed their prayers at Wihara Thay Hin Bio Bandarlampung, local residents were enthusiastic about waiting since 19.00 WIB in front of the temple yard to witness the lion dance and fireworks attraction which was held right at 00.00 WIB.