Residents 18 Years And Over Can Get A Second Booster Vaccine As Of January 24, Here Are The Types And Combinations

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) ensures that people aged 18 years and over can get the second booster vaccine as of January 24.

This provision is regulated through Circular Number HK.02.02/C/380/2023 concerning the 2nd Booster Dosage of COVID-19 Vaccination for General Society groups. It is said that the public no longer needs to wait for tickets to get injections.

"People over 18 years of age have received the second booster vaccine without waiting for tickets or invitations," said Ministry of Health spokesman Muhammad Syahril in a written statement, Saturday, January 21.

Syahril ensured that the second type of booster vaccine had received an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). So that people don't need to be picky anymore.

In addition, he also asked the public to pay attention to the time of giving the vaccine. Syahril said, this second booster can only be given within six months of the first booster vaccination.

"And vaccination must be carried out in health care facilities and/or at COVID-19 service posts," he said.

Meanwhile, for people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, Syahril invites them to immediately go to health service facilities. "Don't delay and don't be picky about vaccines because the best vaccination is vaccinations that are being carried out right now," said Syahril.

Here are the types of vaccines that can be used for the second booster:

1. Combination for the first booster Sinovac

2. Combination for the first booster AstraZeneca

3. Combination for the first booster Pfize

4. Combination for Moderna's first booster

5. Combination for Janssen's first booster (J&J)

6. Combination for the first Sinopharm booster

7. Combination for the first booster of Covovax