Police Affirms Prohibition Of New Year's Eve Fireworks Parties In Badung Bali

BADUNG - Kapolres AKBP Roby Septiadi, emphasized that there is no fireworks party and lighting firecrackers on New Year's Eve which can cause crowds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In accordance with the Chief of Police's Decree regarding the prohibition of activities related to lighting fireworks and firecrackers on that basis, we will take firm action against residents or business entities that still insist on lighting fireworks and are related to the implementation of health protocols," said AKBP. Roby quoted Antara, Tuesday, December 29.

He emphasized that there will be no closure of tourist areas and other entertainment venues ahead of the new year, but business actors are required to comply with the regulations on implementing health protocols.

In addition, AKBP Roby said that he did not impose a curfew because the situation and conditions in the Badung Police jurisdiction were still conducive and safe.

"For New Year's Eve activities, especially crowd activities that may have been carried out by residents in previous years, we will continue to patrol through enhanced routine activities in places that are prone to crowds," he said.

However, if during the New Year's Eve there is a gathering of activities, it is immediately disbanded. "What is certain is prohibiting and disbanding when there is crowd activity. Better to stay at home and share love with their brothers and sisters who are more in need," he said.

In addition, for the evaluation during 2020 which was faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, several criminal cases still occurred.

"The beginning of the pandemic there has been a decline and in the last two to three months there has been an increase but there has been no study, whether it is related to the pandemic or not, but in terms of data for our Badung Police jurisdiction there has been an increase in crime. However, we are still working with health protocols but to reveal the crimes that occurred, "he said.