Dozens Of Thugs With Sharp Weapons Who Make Anxious On The Cianjur Route Are Arrested

CIANJUR - The police arrested dozens of reckless young motorized thugs and disturbed road users who crossed a number of protocol routes in Cianjur, West Java. The police also confiscated dozens of sharp weapons of various types from the hands of the thugs.

Kasat Reskrim Cianjur Police, AKP Anton said, about 30 young motorized thugs, were arrested while crossing Jalan Abdulah Bin Nuh. The police even fired warning shots to stop those who were driving recklessly.

"Those who were caught were immediately arrested and taken to the nearest police station, before being escorted to the Cianjur Police Headquarters. For those who carried sharp weapons, we will process it legally," said AKP Anton, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 29.

The reckless actions of motorized delinquents that often disturb residents, especially motorists in Cianjur, often occur, even some time ago, they had made residents in several sub-districts uneasy because they made trouble on the pretext of looking for other motorbike delinquents who were their enemies.

The police, he said, will take firm action against motorized thugs who make residents and road users nervous in Cianjur, even if they continue to throw tantrums and worry, especially to create crowds or crowds that are prohibited during the pandemic.

"For now, they will undergo investigations and for those who carry sharp weapons, their cases will be raised, they will be charged with emergency laws with the threat of two years in prison. If they have received training that is still stubborn, they will be given strict measurable sanctions," he said.

Meanwhile, residents of Cianjur who have felt uneasy about the actions of motorized hoodlums since the last few months, hope that the police will take firm action so that the gang no longer worry, even some time ago, motorized thugs dared to injure officers with sharp weapons.

"Don't be given your heart anymore, if you need to just shoot because they have been troubling and causing trouble in Cianjur. I ask the officers not only to provide guidance, also give them a deterrent effect so that the same case does not happen again, we as residents feel insecure when driving. , "said Nurjaman, a resident of Kelurahan Solokpandan.