GERD Anxiety Is A Goods Flavor That Emerges Together With Implementation Of Lambung Asam, Know Symptoms & Treatment

YOGYAKARTA GERDbahy adalah rasa cemas yang muncul bersamaan dengan naiknya asam kelapat ke kampungan. Para peniliti meyakini rasa cemas bisa membuat Anda lebih sensitif terhadap gejala GERD, terlebih ketika Anda memiliki rindu GERD.

Complete information about GERDbahy along with symptoms and how to overcome it can be seen in the following reviews.

As mentioned above, GERD Anxiety is excessive anxiety that appears along with the emergence of GERD.

Quoted by VOI from Healthline, Sunday, January 22, 2023, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where stomach acid rises to the concavity. A person who experiences acid reflux at least twice a week is considered to suffer from GERD.

While Anxiety is excessive anxiety that appears as a body response when a person experiences stress, either stress due to work, personal problems or problems with people around them.

GERD and anxiety may seem unrelated, but the researchers believe there may be a link between GERD and anxiety, although the nature of the relationship is unclear.

GERD's relationship with Anxiety

Still from Healthline, a study conducted in 2015 found that anxiety and depression could increase the risk of GERD. In contrast, GERD's negative effects can also increase anxiety and depression.

However, there is no scientific evidence linking anxiety to an increase in stomach acid.

Several studies, including recent research published in the medical journal Gastroenterology, suggest that many people with anxiety symptoms and GERD have normal esophagus acid levels.

However, several studies have found that anxiety appears to increase symptoms associated with GERD, such as starting and upper abdomen. It is believed that anxiety can make you more sensitive to pain and other GERD symptoms.

Symptoms of GERD Anxiety

Symptoms of GERD anxiety that can be different for everyone. However, in general the symptoms can be heartburn, nausea, and stomach pain.

The most common symptoms are the emergence of a pain sensation or feel like there is a lump in the throat, especially when you eat. This condition makes the incoming food feel like it is stuck in the throat.

People suffering from GERD anxiety also experience the sensation of a lump also often experiencing hoarse sounds, coughs, or the desire tochase or clean their throats continuously.

This condition is exacerbated by anxiety, because the patient's sleep pattern will also be disturbed. The increasing acid reflectivity will feel more pain when you lie down, so you will often wake up because of it.

Another complaint that is often reported is chest pain. Because of these symptoms, many people with GERD anxiety think they have heart problems.

Other symptoms that may be felt by people with GERD anxiety, among others:


Patients with GERD anxiety may need a combination drug to treat these two health conditions. The drug given by the doctor also depends on the patient's condition.

Some people with GERD anxiety may need gastric acid suppression drugs more. There are also patients whose treatment is more focused on anxiety problems.

As for medicines that can be used as an option to treat stomach acid, namely antasida, inhibition of H-2 receptors to reduce stomach acid or drugs of the proton pump inhibitors (PPI) class.

Meanwhile, the choice of drugs to deal with anxiety is commonly given, namely the antidepressant drug of the benzodiazepine class. However, this drug can build tolerance for users so that it can cause dependence. Therefore, usually drugs are only prescribed for a short time.

This is information about GERD anxiety along with symptoms and how to overcome it. Keep in mind, GERD anxiety is excessive anxiety that arises along with the emergence of GERD.