Bogor Police Still Waits For The Results Of The West Java Police Examination Regarding Investigators Putting Out SP3 Cases Of Sexual Violence Of Ministry Of Cooperatives And SMEs
The Bogor City Police (Polresta) is still waiting for the results of the West Java Police Propam examination of investigators who issued a letter of termination of investigation (SP3) in cases of sexual violence by employees of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM).
Bogor City Police Chief (Kapolresta) Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso said investigators who issued (SP3) in cases of sexual violence against ND employees were still being investigated by the West Java Police Propam.
"Propam Polda is conducting an examination, we are waiting for the results of the examination," Bismo said in his statement, Friday, January 20.
Bismo added, if proven to have committed a violation, investigators who previously handled the case would also be replaced. In principle, the Police are also still waiting for the results of the examination process by the West Java Police Propam.
Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD asked the National Police to examine the personnel of the Bogor Police investigators who handled cases of sexual violence experienced by employees of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM). Mahfud explained that there were at least two reasons why the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs asked for an examination of the Bogor Police investigator. First, because they had issued a letter of termination of case investigation (SP3) with two different letters to different addresses accompanied by different reasons. "The first is an SP3 notification letter to the prosecutor stating that the case was SP3 due to restorative justice, but a notification letter to the victim stated that SP3 was issued because there was insufficient evidence. One case was given a different reason to the different parties," said Mahfud.
In fact, continued Mahfud, the statement that restorative justice or restorative justice has been carried out even though it has violated the rules that apply when the case occurs, namely the National Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2019. Furthermore, the second reason for the request of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Meeting for the National Police to examine Bogor Police investigators was because the person concerned gave an explanation which the pretrial judge at the Bogor City District Court (PN) was used as the basis that the revocation of SP3 was only based on the results of the coordination meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.
"Because in fact the coordination meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs only equates the perception that the handling is wrong, while the procedure is discussed through the internal case title at the Bogor Police," Mahfud said a few days ago.
Mahfud sebelumnya menyatakan Rakor Kemenkopolhukam menghormati putusan Hakim PN Kota Bogor yang menerima gugatan tiga dari empat tersangka kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap pegawai Kemenkop UKM tersebut.Kelama, kata dia, pihaknya mendorong agar proses perkara yang disangkakan dengan Pasal 286 KUHP tetap dilanjutkan karena asas "Ne Bis In Idem" tidak bisa dianggap berlakukan lantaran poreka perkara utama belum mendapat putus.