At The World Economic Forum 2023, Meta Calls AI Generative Can For Instagram Filters

JAKARTA - The technology behind the popular chatbot ChatGPT, namely generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), has interesting potential for social media, according to Meta.

Meta's Chief Product Officer (CPO) Chris Cox said on the sidelines of a meeting at the World Economic Forum 2023 in Davos, Switzerland, the technology can not only be used for chatbots, but also has the ability to filter images on the Instagram app.

Instagram is a social media from a Meta company, and according to Cox AI it is generative to learn from extensive data to generate pros, images, or other content in response to simple text orders.

Melansir Reuters, Jumat, 20 Januari, Meta sendiri telah mengerjakan penelitian AI generif, seperti teknologi yang dapat mengubah prompt text menjadi klip video.

The technology, dubbed Make-A-Video, was created based on Meta AI's latest advances in generative technology research and has the potential to open up new opportunities for creators and artists.

The system studies what the world looks like from coupled text-image data and how the world moves from video recordings without related text.

With just a few words or text lines, Make-A-Video can turn on imagination and make unique videos full of live colors, characters and landscapes.

In addition, the system can also create videos from images or take existing videos and create similar new videos.

Unlike Microsoft, which actually utilizes generative AI technology to overtake Google search engines by integrating them into Bing, Outlook and its Azure cloud services.