RI Holds An Important World Meeting, Bali Will Host The World Water Forum
JAKARTA - Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya announced that Indonesia was appointed to host the World Water Forum or World Water Forum in Bali on May 18-24, 2024. "World Water Forum 2024 must be a momentum to improve the welfare of our society, as a manifestation of water for mutual prosperity and mutual growth," said Siti Nurbaya, Thursday, January 19.
The 10th World Water Forum meeting provides an important platform for all stakeholders in the water sector on a global scale, involving various stakeholders. This is a milestone of Indonesia's great contribution to the efforts of the global community in managing water resources in a sustainable manner. Siti explained that life depends on the existence and availability of water. "Usually human settlements always try to be close to springs, rivers, lakes or areas where their groundwater is easily accessible. This shows that air resources that are quite good in terms of quantity and quality play an important role in the social and economic development of an region," explained the global political agenda, such as Megatrend 2045, placing air in a strategic position in the framework of food, energy, and water, including in relation to disaster and welfare.
The provision of clean and healthy water is not only related to the goal of sustainable development number six, namely clean water and sanitation, but is also related to the 17th point. This is an important modality in the formulation of the air policy framework which emphasizes that the provision and management of air is not solely a technical issue, but is related to the principles of hydrology, economic costs, and feasibility," said Siti. in this regard, she explained that the landscape approach is applied in developing natural resource management policies, including air, which is in line with President Joko Widodo's directives that infrastructure development runs in line with environmental improvement and recovery.
The implementation of landscape management or landscape in water resource management is essential, as this approach prioritizes the balance between environmental conservation, development economy, and human welfare through strong and comprehensive policy integration as well as law enforcement, he said. Minister Siti also revealed that the dynamics of discussions and negotiations in various international gatherings are related to water, pressure on the need for landscape approaches in water management which in practice use two main governance frameworks, namely natural-based solutions, and ecosystem-based approaches. The landscape approach in water management is needed because it is strictly controlled by cartometric rules, thus being able to identify elements of society as subjects of governance and represent human-lanskap relationships.
Thus, the governance format initiated truly reflects the multi-interest harmony and multi-layer attributes of the landscape which are certainly specific in each region. "On the way to the 10th World Water Forum next year, it is necessary to prepare various events (activity) both nationally and internationally that encourage increased quality of national policies in the management of natural resources and water resources up to the site scale," said Siti. Through these various activities, she hopes, finding work concepts related to effective air resources as well as governance principles that can be understood and applied by local government apparatus and apparatus in the field.