29 December In History: RCTI Journalist Ersa Siregar Was Taken Hostage By GAM, Killed By TNI Bullets

JAKARTA - On December 29, 2003, Indonesian journalist from RCTI, Ersa Siregar passed away. He died in his journalistic duties, in a hostage situation, in the middle of a gun battle between the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) troops and the TNI Yonif Marinir VI troops, on the Malehen River, Simpang Ulim, East Aceh.

Citing various sources, Ersa was killed by two shots. Respectively on the neck, which goes through to the right hand and in the chest, which goes through the back. Previously, the man born in Brastagi was held hostage by GAM since June 29, 2003. Ersa Siregar was held hostage with RCTI cameraman, Ferry Santoro and team driver, Rahmatsyah. Both of them besides Elsa managed to return home safely.

Ersa Siregar, along with Ferry Santoro and Rahmatsyah were taken hostage by GAM while doing coverage in Langsa City. There, Ersa and Ferry were assigned to cover the release of the discovery of weapons belonging to GAM by the local marine commander.

However, after reporting, they were stopped by the GAM group on the way. They were held hostage by GAM from June to December 2003. The three hostages were not released. But they also weren't hurt or killed while taking hostages.

Launching Tirto, East Aceh GAM Supreme Commander Ishak Daud opened the door to free them. But it's not free. He demanded the TNI agree to a two-day ceasefire at the location where the hostages were released.

However, the TNI did not agree and asked the hostages to be taken to one place to be picked up later. Even so, GAM insisted on handing over the hostages directly.

On 17 December 2003, Rahmatsyah was released. Rahmatsyah's release became a hope for RCTI's family and party. They believe Ersa and Ferry will also be released.

However, hopes for an agreement to free Ersa and Ferry never came. Finally, Saturday, December 27, 2003, Ishak Daud said he would hand over the hostages.

But as of Monday, December 29, 2003 morning, there was no agreement yet. The TNI Operations Command insisted that GAM must put the hostages in one place and they would pick them up. Meanwhile GAM also insisted on surrendering directly.

Killed because of TNI bullets

Gunfire between GAM and TNI then took place during the day, with Ersa at the location. Ersa was shot and did not survive. Two bullets pierced Ersa's body. From the GAM side, one of their members also died.

On December 30, TNI Army Chief of Staff General Ryamizard Ryacudu said Ersa Siregar was killed by a TNI bullet. Ryamizard says that is a risk every war journalist faces.

"The risk is bullets. If you don't want to be shot, you don't have to be a war journalist," said Ryamizard, citing Liputan 6.

Meanwhile, Ferry was only successfully released on New Year's Eve 2004. He was released through diplomacy carried out by the press organization and the International Red Cross (PMI).

Quoting Merdeka, Ferry said that the experience was memorable. After ten years of the incident, Ferry met the commander of a group of marines who shot him and Ersa while hiding in the hut.

"Now he and I are friends," closed Ferry.