Sri Mulyani's Special Staff Is Optimistic That Economic Growth In 2023 Can Achieve 5 Percent

JAKARTA - Special Staff to the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications Yustinus Prastiowo is optimistic that Indonesia's economic growth in 2023 will reach 5 percent compared to the same period last year (year-on-year/yoy).

"This means that Indonesia's economic growth is quite good compared to many countries and the global one which is estimated to only grow 2 percent to 3 percent (yoy)," Yustinus said in "Podcast Cermati Episode 7", quoted from Antara, Thursday, January 19.

In fact, he continued, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that a third of countries in the world will experience a recession this year and Indonesia is far from this threat even though they still have to be vigilant.

The optimism of Indonesia's economic growth this year cannot be separated from the strong buffer, one of which is tax revenue which can achieve the target of two consecutive years in 2021 and 2022 even in difficult times.

As for 2021, the realization of tax revenues is IDR 1,278.6 trillion or 103.9 percent of the target of IDR 1,229.6 trillion. Meanwhile, in 2022 the realization will be realized while tax revenues reach IDR 1,716.8 trillion or 115.6 percent of the target of IDR 1,485 trillion.

Despite the surge in commodity prices, Yustinus revealed that the tax performance in the two years was also due to the hard work of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) and collaboration and institutional synergy with all parties.

"Without a large effort from the DGT and all parties, it is impossible to achieve this acceptance," he said.

If viewed sectorally, he mentioned that almost all types of taxes grew positively, such as oil and gas income tax (PPh), non-oil and gas tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), and other types of taxes.

This means that sectorally these conditions describe the activity that is already quite good in the economy so that it must be maintained and maintained.

On the other hand, Yustinus assessed that the achievement of good tax performance over the past two years was the fruit of tax reform, including the adjustment of VAT rates from 10 percent to 11 percent.

"We can see that VAT growth is around 25 percent at a time when our economy is still relatively recovering. This VAT shows the dimension of mutual cooperation through taxes," said Yustinus.