TRAndis Of Drinking Tea During Chinese New Year, A Form Of Honor That Ends The Family

YOGYAKARTA Each family has a varied way of celebrating Chinese New Year. Starting from praying together, eating together, to carrying out the tradition of drinking tea during Chinese New Year.

Tea in Chinese culture is used for various purposes. Apart from health, tea also acts as a sign of respect. The tradition of drinking tea during Chinese New Year is a form of respect that unites families. Usually, younger generation offers a cup of tea to older generations. Launching Foodpanda, Thursday, January 19, this tradition was carried out during celebratory events, such as during Chinese New Year and the Qing Ming festival.

In addition, the offer of tea is done as part of an official apology. Although it is rarely practiced at this time. But this custom shows signs of regret and loss when offending other parties. In addition, drinking tea as a symbol of the union of two families is one. In one of the wedding processions, tea is presented to the parents of the bride and groom as a form of unity and respect.

According to legends, tea was first discovered by Emperor Shen Nung when leaves from a tree were flying into his teapot that was boiling water. Since then, tea has been widely used for medicinal purposes in China, where the foreigners of each type of tea have healing properties. However, during the 4th to 8th centuries, tea began to be consumed in general for refreshment purposes.

The tradition and habit of drinking tea during Chinese New Year begins in the morning. The older generation, grandmother or grandfather, will sit on side by side. Then the younger generation will bend and offer a cup of warm tea as a form of respect. Well, while carrying out this tradition, everyone wore well-maintained and new clothes. While handing over a cup of tea, the younger generation expressed good hopes to the older generation. Meanwhile, the older generation gave angpao with red envelopes that symbolize good luck and happiness.

The choice of tea served in Chinese culture, including green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and black tea. Generally, the type of tea used to honor the Chinese New Year is a sweeter type of tea, such as Oolong tea or green tea.

Green tea is made of leaves or young tea shoots that have been processed so that it is ready to be brewed and emits a fragrant taste and aroma. Meanwhile, Oolong tea, processed with semi-fermentation so that it has a more concentrated taste than green tea. The two choices of teas can be adjusted to the tastes of each family. Although the types of tea are different, but do not reduce the warmth of the tradition of drinking tea during Chinese New Year with family.