Central Lombok Inspectorate Audit Alleged Corruption in Gemel Village Fund

JAKARTA - The Inspectorate for Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, sent a team to conduct an audit of alleged corruption in the use of the 2019-2022 village fund budget in Gemel Village, Jonggat District.

"Early 2023 there were complaints from residents of Gemel Village and an investigative audit process is underway", said Head of Central Lombok District, Inspectorate Lalu Aknal Afandi, in Praya, Antara, Wednesday, January 18.

The audit in Gemel Village was pretty much in line with community reports, such as incentives for hamlets and other programs that were budgeted for from village funds, including the construction of road infrastructure.

"The point is that all programs implemented are audited to find out whether the reports submitted by the public are true or not", he said.

In addition to conducting an audit in Gemel Village, his party received a request for an audit of a case of alleged misappropriation of health worker incentives at the Chang Health Center which was handled by the Central Lombok Police.

"We have received the request, but it is being analyzed", he said.

He said there are two forms of audits carried out by the inspectorate, namely compliance audits in the framework of coaching and investigative audits based on public reports or requests from law enforcement officials.

"Only a new investigative audit in Gemel Village has been conducted", he said.

Previously, residents of Gemel Village, Jonggat District, filed a report on allegations of corruption in the use of village budget funds, which were allegedly carried out by the local village head who is currently still in office.

"We are still waiting for the results of the audit from the Central Lombok Inspectorate", said the Head of Intelligence at the Central Lombok District Attorney, AA Gede Agung Kusuma Putra.