Challenge Saving One Month, Dare To Try It To Life More Save?

YOGYAKARTA - Saving is actually an easy activity, but many people still have difficulty doing it. Saving doesn't need to be in large quantities, the important thing is that you are consistent and disciplined to set aside money. You can try a challenge saving one month to encourage saving habits.

Saving needs to be done by everyone because it is beneficial for future financial conditions. Saving can be a reserve for money or emergency funds if one day you experience a risk. In addition, saving is also a step to achieve certain targets such as wanting to have a vacation, buying a laptop, and others.

So that the habit of saving is formed within yourself, you need to challenge saving one month. There are many challenge tips that you can do.

These challenges do not spend money on anything except basic needs, such as food and bills for a whole month. You can also take on a challenge without spending a week or two weeks at any time throughout the year to increase your savings.

A healthy lifestyle can actually reduce expenses, so it can increase savings. For example, if you start a weight loss program or diet. Stop smoking can also save money that you usually spend on cigarettes.

This challenge relies on releasing small activities that become routine. This can include drinking coffee every day, ordering online food, getting addicted to changing shoes, and others. Although it seems like a small expenditure, if left unchecked it will make your finances wasteful. You can stop all these consumptive properties for a period of one month.

For this challenge, you will save too much money, time, and cupboard. The challenge of not buying new clothes is actually simple, but difficult to do. Try not to buy new clothes for one month. That way you can be more efficient and the money can be used to increase savings or invest them.

You can't spend money eating outside, shopping, coffee at a cafe, or anything that doesn't really matter much. Whatever is not a bill or need, you have to think carefully before taking care of it. Degan avoids buying unnecessary items, you can save more money.

You will reach a point where you can't cut or change your expenses anymore to save money. The only way you can increase your savings is to make more money.

This doesn't mean getting a raise or a new job. You can start small and sell some stuff from around the house.

Don't buy any branded goods for a certain period of time. Buy ordinary or not-known brand products that usually offer cheaper prices. This step is taken by ruleing out prestige when using a product. Always look at its function when buying a product. If the function is the same, then there is no need to buy a brand branded at high prices.

If you happen to get a change, you can put it directly into the bank and feel like you've done your part!

You may not save a lot, but this is a great small step for the next challenge of saving money!

Those are a number of challenges saving one month that you can try. Some of the challenges above do look simple and easy, but you will usually have difficulty doing it. The key is to have high intentions and be consistent.

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