Risma's Move Prevents People From Cutting Social Assistance

JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini said that his party would create a new mechanism in the process of distributing social assistance (bansos) to aid recipients.

With this mechanism, in the future the recipients can report any irregularities during the distribution process and prevent irresponsible individuals from circumcising this aid.

This mechanism update, he said, will be carried out around February 2021. This update will make the system easier but also more detailed than before.

"In February there is a mechanism that we will update that is easier but more detailed to do because there is feedback. So not only do we provide assistance but there is also reporting for aid recipients so we hope that no one will try to cut it anymore because the report will enter us. "said Risma after holding a closed meeting at the State Palace, Tuesday, December 29.

Meanwhile, regarding the distribution of social assistance, Risma said that it would be carried out starting January 4 by collaborating with PT Pos Indonesia. The assistance distributed to recipients is in the form of cash assistance to direct cash assistance (BLT).

"We hope that one week can be completed in all of Indonesia, but there is something special like in Papua which may have a very different mechanism," said the former Surabaya Mayor.

He then specified the number of recipients of social assistance provided to the government. Regarding the basic food social assistance program, the number reached 18.8 million recipients with one basic food package worth IDR 200 thousand per month.

Meanwhile, for cash assistance, the number of recipients in 2021 will reach 10 million people throughout Indonesia including the Jabodetabek area. "The distributor is PT Pos Indonesia and the monthly aid index is Rp. 300 thousand per beneficiary and will be given in January, February, March, and April not in full a year like the PKH program," he said.

Furthermore, the Family of Hope Program (PKH) will be received by 10 million recipients who are channeled by himbara or government bank associations. This assistance is then used for pregnant women, early childhood, school age children, to those with disabilities and the elderly.

"This will be given starting in January every three months. The first stage is January, the second stage is April, the third stage is July, and the fourth is October," he concluded.