So That Children Easy To Adjust Themselves, These 5 Things NEED To Be Done By Parents

YOGYAKARTA Children have different characters. Some of them easily adjust to change. But there are also children who need encouragement, motivation, or support from their parents after leaving old things to change.

The slightest change, including house renovation or upgrading, children need time to adapt. Changes for them are never easy. But by adjusting, getting positive results both in mental development to the ability to overcome loss. According to Tovah Klein, Ph.D., author of How Toddlers Thrive, children are generally connected to stability and predictability. Therefore, change is often difficult for them. Especially because there is a sense of loss that accompanies it.

"Every time a child experiences a change, they have to give up and say goodbye to the old one, before they can greet the new one," Klein said. According to Klein's tips, this is something parents can do so that their children can adjust even to small changes.

The task of parents is to help their children get through a difficult feeling when they change. In the end, it may be happy, but sometimes changes make children dig up negative things and the opinions of their parents. That means, give children time to feel sad. In addition, teach them skills to deal with such sadness. This experience, according to Klein, is part of the development of life skills.

Despite minor changes, parents still need to prepare for their child's skills in dealing with them. So when they experience major changes, they can easily adjust and deal well. Klein's message, never ignore the changes. You can use this moment to talk to your children about how they feel.

It's not always clear why a child feels stressed and even angry because of changes in his life. However, it's important to acknowledge their experiences. Even though the changes you experience are considered positive and useful, keep the validation of their feelings. Expressing feelings openly, it's always important, said Klein.

If the changes are related to moving places to live, ask about their impressions of a new situation. For example, ask what children think about the new house. Meanwhile, if changes are related to new teachings, then ask how the situation is at school, about teachers, peers, and how they adjust to the situation.

A sudden change may come as a surprise to children. For that, preparation is one of the best ways to help children deal with future changes.

The advice of Koraly Perez-Edgar, Ph.D., professor of child studies and psychology at the Pennsylvania State University social sciences research institute, preparations are children's equipment boxes. The box contains talks and a sense of security from concerns about the future.

Change is often responded uncontrollably. For that, Perez-Edgar's message, find a way for children to get in control during change so that they can easily adjust and deal with their feelings. Finally, give children praise for having faced changes, adapting to the transition, and helping them recognize what is difficult but able to deal with.