Vice Chancellor III Unila Ngaku Entrusted 4 Names Of Student Candidates And Chat WA To The Dean After Passing

JAKARTA - Vice Chancellor III for Student Affairs and Alumni at the University of Lampung (Unila) Yulianto admitted that he had entrusted four names to enter Unila. This happened when the 2022 Unila New Student Admission (PMB) occurred.

This was conveyed by Yulianto, who was a witness in the trial of the alleged Unila bribery case at the Tanjungkarang Class 1A District Court, Bandarlampung, Tuesday, January 17.

"Yes, there are four names that I entrusted to PMB 2022," he said, confiscated by Antara.

During the trial, Yulianto also admitted to writing a WhatsApp chat (WA) thanking the dean after the names he entrusted graduated as Unila's new students. He said he never gave money.

"I have never deposited money with the rector or received money from the person I entrusted," he said.

In an effort to pass the names that were entrusted, Yulianto entrusted the participant numbers to each dean and also to Helmy as Chairman of the 2022 PMB.

"There was a student deposit, the number was handed over to the dean, there was no collapan from the chancellor. Usually, after the number collected at the dean, it was then closed with the vice chancellor I, but the names that were deposited were not accepted either," he explained.

Yulianto also revealed that overall he had entrusted 10 names to be accepted as Unila's new students.

"There are several faculties that I entrust the names of prospective students to the dean, such as in FISIP (Fulty of Social and Political Sciences), Law, MIPA (Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Agriculture, and FKIP (Fulty of Teacher Training and Education). I entrust a total of 10. I only help colleagues and relatives," he said.

However, he admitted that he had contributed Rp50 million for the renovation of the mosque in Unila and Rp50 million for the construction of the Lampung Nahdliyin Center (LNC).

"I only gave money for the construction of mosques and LNC. So, in 2020 the rehabilitation of mosques will be IDR 50 million, in three or four installments; the LNC in 2021, IDR 50 million, will also be handed over through Mualimin," he explained.

Yulianto said the reason for giving the money had nothing to do with the acceptance of the new student "titipan". Karomani had indeed asked for help so that Yulianto contributed to the LNC development.

"I donated the money to get the pleasure of Allah SWT. Moreover, I am a member of NU, ashamed if I don't donate the LNC development money. So, God willing, I really want to seek God's pleasure, nothing else," said Yulianto.

Apart from Yulianto, two other vice chancellors were also witnesses in the trial of the alleged 2022 PMB bribery case, namely Deputy Chancellor II for General Administration and Finance Asep Sukohar and Vice Chancellor IV for Planning, Cooperation, and Information and Communication Technology Suharso.

The defendants, former rector of Unila Karomani, underwent trial with other defendants, namely Heryandi as Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila and M. Basri as Chair of the Unila Senate; of which the three were bribe recipients. Meanwhile, the defendant who gave the bribe was the private party, Andi Desfiandi, is still in the trial process.