Report Of The Suspect In A Fatal Accident In Pasar Minggu Being Beaten By The Police Begins To Be Processed

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police have begun investigating the case of alleged beating by Aiptu ICH against Riadi Hanidyoputro. This case is called the beginning of the deadly accident at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Jimmy Christian Samma said that currently his party was checking CCTV footage at the scene.

"It's a process, CCTV analysis," said AKBP Jimmy Christian Samma in his statement, Tuesday, December 29.

Besides that, in the investigation process, said Jimmy, his party had also asked for information from Riadi Hanidyoputro as the reported party. The examination was carried out at the Subdit Gakkum Detention Center for the Metro Jaya Police.

"Yesterday we were examined, only the reporting witnesses," he said.

Meanwhile, Riadi Hanidyoputro is a suspect in a deadly accident case at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Meanwhile, Aiptu ICH is a member of Security for Vital Objects (Pam Obvit) Polda Metro Jaya.

The deadly accident occurred because Riadi Hanidyoputro grazed the Aiptu IC car. This was done because they wanted to pursue Aiptu ICH to ask for responsibility. This is because previously they were involved in a feud.

Aiptu ICH is said to have hit Riadi Hanidyoputro. In the end, the beating was reported to the South Jakarta Metro Police.