8 Jobs Prospect In Development Economics With High Salary

YOGYAKARTA - Economics is one of the majors that always gets high interest when admitting new students. One of the most popular majors is development economics. Many people sign up for this major because the job prospects for development economics are very broad and offer high salaries.

Development economics is indeed one of the most promising majors for continuing a career after graduating from college. Graduates of this major have the ability to analyze economic issues and problems, and find solutions. That is why graduates of this major are in great demand.

Job Prospect In Economic Development

The knowledge or competencies possessed by graduates majoring in Development Economics are much needed in various agencies, ranging from government, private companies, banking, technology companies, energy companies, and others. Here are a number of job prospects majoring in Development Economics that will make you even more determined to take this major.

Business Analyst

One of the job prospects for the Development Economics major that many students are eyeing is to become a business analyst. This profession can not only be taken up by management graduates, but also suitable for those of you who are majoring in Development Economics.

Graduates majoring in Development Economics have the competencies needed in this profession, such as planning, initiation, monitoring, implementation, and making salary reports. This profession also has a fantastic salary. If you have a lot of experience and are at a senior level, then you can get an even higher salary.

Development and Research Staff

If you are someone who likes research activities, then this major is right for you. One of the career prospects majoring in Development Economics is to become a development and research staff.

This profession is needed by companies to ensure the quality standards of their business. This profession will help companies see what has been achieved and what still needs to be improved. The role of the development staff is needed by the company for the development and progress of the business in the long term.

Credit Analyst

Development Economics graduates can also work as credit analysts. This profession is needed to analyze the company's financial statements and inventory. Apart from that, this profession is also tasked with making guidelines regarding creditworthiness for customers who wish to apply for a loan in large amounts.


Another profession that Development Economics graduates can take is to become an actuary. The actuary is in charge of drafting insurance products and the premiums paid by the policy. In addition, this profession also plays a role in determining the financial status and projecting the company's finances in the short, medium, and long term.

Bank employees

The profession of a bank employee is also a career prospect for Development Economics graduates. You can register as a bank employee, both state-owned and private. You can work as a back office and if you have experience, you will get the opportunity to be promoted to become a manager or supervisor.

Government Agencies Employees

Not only working in private companies and financial institutions, but graduates of Development Economics can also work as employees of government agencies. You can work as a government employee tasked with making national development plans, as well as making policies and analysis related to economic growth.


If you are really concerned about academics or education, graduates of Development Economics can also become lecturers. This profession is tasked with teaching material about Development Economics in both public and private campuses. Lecturer career paths will be assessed based on education, research volume, and teaching experience.


It is certain that graduates of Development Economics are suitable to become businessmen or entrepreneurs. Armed with economics and management knowledge, you know how to run a business well. You certainly have the competence to analyze and develop your business progress.

Those are a number of Development Economics job prospects that you can target. This major has very broad career prospects and offers high salaries. However, this achievement really depends on your competence and experience.

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