Breaking News! An Explosion When Papua Police Chief's Official House Caught Fire At 04.45 WIT

JAKARTA - Official house of Papuan Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri, caught fire this morning. Almost all parts of the building were scorched by fire.

"Yes, that's right, his house is on fire," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Pol Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, to VOI, Tuesday, January 17.

The fire started burning the official residence on Trikora Street, Dok V Atas, Papua, at around 04.45 WIT.

The seconds of the fire began when one of the guard picket officers heard screams from inside the house.

So, the guard immediately went into the house to check. Apparently, from behind the house a thick puff of smoke appeared.

"Not long after, an explosion was heard from inside the residence accompanied by flames," said Benny.

The guard immediately tried to extinguish the fire. Then ask for help and report the incident to the Papua Police.

Currently, the cause of the fire is not yet known. Investigations and collection of clues are still being carried out.

"There were no casualties during the fire and the cause of the fire is still being investigated," said Benny.