Support SDA-Based Downstreaming, Himbara Installs Soft Landing Strategies This Year

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Association of State-Owned Banks (Himbara) Sunarso emphasized his commitment to support downstreaming natural resources (SDA)-based industries.

"We received directions from President Jokowi to support important matters related to downstreaming of the industry, especially downstreaming of extraction-based industries," he said at a press conference after a meeting with President Jokowi, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 16.

Downstreaming of natural resources-based industries creates more added value which is expected to be enjoyed by all Indonesian people.

"So the banking industry is committed to supporting the process of downstreaming the industry so that the entire series of added value of the process can be enjoyed by the people of Indonesia," said Sunarso, who also serves as President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI).

He said that throughout 2022 banks can grow aggressively while remaining cautious, as can be seen from improving the quality of assets managed by banks.

"All of this cannot be separated from the policy of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), including extending the validity period of relaxation to determine the quality of productive assets. And that is necessary, because I think OJK knows better about the situation in the industry," he said.

In 2023 Himbara targets growth with a soft landing strategy, namely growth selectively supported by adequate reserves to anticipate various risks in 2023 which are predicted to be full of uncertainty.

"We are ready to grow and ready to face various challenges with reserves. And we have proven that in 2022 our banking is very solid," he said.