Nitrogen Liquid Chiki Ngebul Is Undetected At The Yogyakarta Cangkring Stadium Night Market

KULON PROGO - Kulon Progo Police Health Doctor Team, Yogyakarta Special Region together with the local Health Office conducted guidance and supervision of ready-to-eat food products using liquid nitrogen located at the Cangkring Stadium Night Market.Head of Health Office of Regional Government Juliana Saragih said, based on monitoring results, the Cangkring Night Market was negative related to the presence of ngki ngbul."The liquid nitrogen content used in gerbul ciki snacks is very dangerous if consumed exceeding the threshold or liquid directly contact the food," said Selliana in Kulon Progo, Antara, Tuesday, January 16.The use of liquid nitrogen in ready-to-eat food products is a concern and causes problems for public health. Some snacks that use this hazardous material such as ice smoke or ngki ngbul.When consumed, this gurgling cipi not only gives a cold taste, but also a mouth sensation that emits smoke.Smoke in nitrogen that is liquid at very low temperatures. This liquid is clear, colorless and odorless so it does not change the taste if used."The use and use of liquid nitrogen is very dangerous if consumed, especially for long-term effects. Of course this will result in fatal health problems, which cause stomach erosion," he said.There have been several incidents of food poisoning and reported cases related to food consumption using liquid nitrogen, one of which was the incident on November 19, 2022, UPTD of the Leuwisari Health Center, Tasikmalaya Regency reported that there had been a food poisoning KLB with 23 cases, one of which was referred to the hospital.Selliana said symptoms arose after consuming snacks of the type of ciki ngbul.Based on this incident, there are several things that the Kulon Progo Police Bidokes conveyed.Provincial/district/city Health Offices, Health Centers and BTKLPP, as well as health offices to provide guidance and supervision of ready-to-eat food products that use liquid nitrogen circulating in the community in the Kulon Progo area.To that end, the Kulon Progo Police Bidokes provides education to business actors and related parties about the dangers of liquid nitrogen to ready-to-eat food, providing education to schools, children and communities about the dangers of liquid nitrogen in ready-to-eat food."Restaurants that use liquid nitrogen on ready-to-eat food products must comply with food standards and be under the supervision of the local Health Service and related parties and provide information on how to consume safely to consumers," said Juliana Saraqih.