The Climber From Jember Who Lives In Mount Lamongan Has Been Evacuated By BPBD

LUMAJANG - The Rapid Response Team (TRC) of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lumajang Regency evacuated two climbers from Jember Regency who got lost on Mount Lamongan, Lumajang Regency, East Java.
"They climbed on Saturday (14/1) at 20.00 WIB, then got lost at around 22.00 WIB," said Lumajang Regency BPBD Pusdalops Officer Dwi Nurcahyo in a written statement received, Sunday, January 15.
The two climbers are Ixora Fila Rajabi Duta Muhammad (20) and Elwin Sultan Alif Muhammad Bilhaqqi (24) who are residents of Sukorambi District, Jember Regency.
The climber is reported to have become dehydrated and ran out of logistics while climbing Mount Lamongan, Klakah District, Lumajang Regency.
"They felt they had lost the route of setting up the on-site tent and reporting themselves to the Jember BPBD Pusdalops, then forwarded it to the Lumajang Regency BPBD," he said.
He said the report was responded to by the Lumajang Regency BPBD TRC Team by deploying seven personnel to conduct a search on the mountain which has a height of 1,651 meters above sea level (masl).
"Luckily, the two climbers met with the group of students who loved Alam (Mapala) SMAN Klakah, so the two of them went down together," he said.
Dwi said the survivors were successfully evacuated and received medical assistance from the Lumajang Regency BPBD TRC, so that their health condition immediately improved and recovered.
He appealed to prospective novice climbers who will climb to prepare carefully for all their needs, including mentality and logistics.
"Prepare enough mental and logistics. Don't climb alone if you've never climbed, look for guides to deliver and follow signs and instructions from mountain guards," he said.
The activity of Mount Lamongan based on a written report from officers in the period January 14, 2023 at 00.00-24.00 WIB, visually the volcano was clearly visible until it was covered in fog, and crater smoke was not observed.
Observations of the seismicity were recorded once local tectonic earthquakes with an amplitude of 10 mm and the status of the mountain in Lumajang Regency at level 1 or normal.