Barito Pacific Milik Konglomerat Prajogo Pangestu Terbitkan Bond Rp1 Triliun Dalam 3 Seri, Simak Besar Bunganya

JAKARTA - PT Barico Pacific Tbk (BRPT) will issue sustainable bonds III with a principal value of IDR 1 trillion. These bonds are part of the issuance of Shelf-Registered Bonds III Barito with a total target of raising funds of IDR 3 trillion.

At this celebration, the issuer owned by the Prajogo Pangestu conglomerate offered interest coupons of up to 11 percent for these bonds.

For a 3-year tenor, the company offers an interest rate of 8.25-9.25 percent, for a 5-year tenor of 9-10 percent, while the 7-year tenor can reach 10-11 percent interest coupons.

Based on the company's information disclosure on the IDX, quoted on Sunday, January 15, BRPT issued three series of bonds.

First, series A bonds have a period of three years from the date of issuance. Second, series B has a time of five years from the date of issuance. Third, series C has a time of seven years from the date of emission.

The bonds offered by the company have obtained the results of the ranking of single A+_ from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).

Later, those who will act as underwriters for the issuance of BRPT bonds, namely PT BCA Sekuritas, PT BNI Sekuritas and PT Sucor Sekuritas. The guardians of the company's bond mandate are PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BBTN).

Based on the prospectus issued by BRPT, funds from the issuance of bonds will be used to pay off Barito Pacific's debt.

Adpaun rincian, yaitu:

a. IDR 73.55 billion for full payment of the remaining debt balance of I Barito Pacific Phase II sustainable public offering bonds in 2020 series A.

b. A maximum of IDR 56 billion for full payment of the remaining balance of I Barito Pacific sustainable public offering bonds phase III in 2020 series B.

c. A total of 12.5 million US dollars or around Rp. 195 billion and Rp. 86.34 billion for partial payments of all loan balances of Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI).

d. A maximum of IDR 561.10 billion for full payments for the remaining balance of the II Barito Pacific sustainable public offering bond debt phase I in 2021 series A.

Just so you know, Barito Pacific has added to the ownership of the operational assets of geotherman Wayang Sindu, Salak and Drajat. The additional ownership was carried out by acquiring additional shares in the shares of Star Energy Geothermal Pte. Ltd. (SEGPL) and Star Phoenix Geothermal JV BV (SPG).

BRPT has completed a purchase transaction of 30 percent of SEGPL's shares and 30.25 percent of SPG's shares in December 2022. The series of acquisition transactions were carried out by a subsidiary of BRPT, namelyStar Energy Group Holdings Pte. Ltd. (SEGHPL).