Densus 88 Anti-Terror Reveals Funding Of The Jamaah Islamiyah Group

JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror has revealed the results of an investigation into the funding of the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network. This group raises hundreds of millions of money to send young terrorists to Syria.

"Around Rp. 300 million to dispatch to Syria for 10 to 12 people (young terrorists)," said Head of Public Relations of the Indonesian Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Monday, December 28.

To raise money, this terrorist group, continued Argo, accepts donations from its followers. Based on the results of the investigation of terrorist prisoners Joko Priyono alias Karso, the number of followers of this group reaches thousands of people.

"Funding comes from its members. About 6 thousand active members," said Argo.

The followers of this group are quite generous. Because, not infrequently some of them contributed up to tens of millions of rupiah. But not a few also contributed hundreds of thousands.

The use of that money is not only for dispatching young terrorists. The money collected is used to pay for training.

"But many also send not one hundred thousand, some 10 to 25 million, varies," said Argo

"Rp.65 million to pay for the coach, to eat during the training and also to buy medicine," he continued.

Previously it was reported that Densus 88 Anti-terror found a training ground for the terrorist network Jamaah Islamiyah (JI). The place is used to train young terrorists to become proficient in using weapons, assembling bombs, and making ambushes.

"They are trained in military style with the aim of forming troops according to the program established by the leader of this network (JI)," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Sunday, December 27.

The training venue, said Argo, is in the village of Gintungan, Bandungan, Semarang, Central Java. In addition, this training venue is shaped like an ordinary villa but is indeed quiet from community activities.

This training venue is thought to have been used for a long time. From the search results, 7 batches have been trained with a total of 96 members.

In fact, after being trained they were sent to Syria. These young terrorists have been sent since 2013-2018 with funds that have been prepared by the network.

“After training here, this young generation is then sent to Syria to study military training and assembling firearms and bombs. They are preparing this young generation with the aim of becoming the future leader of this network (JI), "continued Argo Yuwono.