Ijtima Ulama Nusantara Gives Mandat Cak Imin Wins PKB In The 2024 General Election

JAKARTA - Ijtima Ulama Nusantara mandated the Chairman of the DPP National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar to win the party in the Simultaneous Election 2024. "Giving a full mandate to Gus Muhaimin in determining the direction and policies of PKB, especially with a target of 100 seats in the DPR RI," said Deputy Secretary of the PKB Syuro Council Maman Imanulhaq in Jakarta, Saturday, January 14. He explained that another recommendation is that Ijtima Ulama Nusantara will become a forum that accommodates all kiai and nyai as well as da'i throughout Indonesia who care about national politics. PKB faction in the DPR RI.

"The Forum recommends that the PKB faction in the DPR oversee the law on the welfare of mothers and children," he explained. In addition, Ijtima Ulama Nusantara recommended that PKB continue to fight for the politics of the kiai regarding benefit, protection of children, termination of sexual violence against women, including transparency of state finances. "We want to create a conducive democratic process," he said, quoted by Antara. PKB held Ijtima Ulama Nusantara at a hotel in Jakarta on Friday, January 13 and Saturday. The event, which was initiated by the PKB DPP Shura Council, took the theme "Ulama Bangkit Bersatu Menjaga Indonesia". The Ijtima was opened directly by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Friday.