Malaysian Police Send Special Team To Investigate Indonesian Raya Song Parody

JAKARTA - MY Asean Youtube account has uploaded a parody of the Indonesia Raya national anthem which has angered Indonesians. The Malaysian police are seriously investigating the abuse of the Indonesia Raya song and deploying a special team.

The video uploaded by MY Asean Youtube Account depicts the background of the Red and White flag accompanied by the Garuda Pancasila symbol. This video is accompanied by the singing of someone who changed the arrangement of the song Indonesia Raya with lyrics connoting harassment of Indonesian figures. This video is about one minute long, was posted about two weeks ago. But the video has been takedown by YouTube.

The Malaysian government through the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta has made a strong statement. They strongly criticized the actions that were considered provocative. The harassment of the Indonesia Raya song is thought to affect the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia.

"The Malaysian government strongly condemns any negative provocation which is intended to affect the close bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia," wrote a statement from the Malaysian Embassy, Monday, December 28.

Malaysia also immediately moved quickly to investigate the parody of the national anthem of Indonesia Raya. Police Inspector General Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador said the CID Special Investigation Unit and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) were investigating the case.

"We are investigating under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Sedition Act of 1948 and Section 233 (1) of the 1998 Communications and Multimedia Act," the policeman said as quoted by The Star.

"The perpetrators will be dealt with strictly based on the existing law," he said.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah said the Indonesian government was still waiting for the results of the investigation of the alleged Indonesia Raya song parodied by Malaysians. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Indonesian Embassy in Malaysia have communicated with the government and relevant authorities in Malaysia regarding this incident.

"Furthermore, the Malaysian government is taking action on what the Indonesian government has conveyed in coordination regarding this case," Teuku said when confirmed by VOI.

In its regulation, the Indonesian national anthem is regulated in Law Number 24 of 2009 concerning the Flag, Language and National Emblem, as well as the National Anthem. Then, it is also regulated in Government Regulation Number 44 of 1958.

Article 64 of Law Number 24 Year 2009 states that everyone is prohibited from changing the national anthem with a tone, rhythm, words, and other compositions with the intention of insulting or degrading the honor of the national anthem.

Then, everyone is prohibited from listening to, singing, or distributing the modified version of the national anthem for commercial purposes. Also, it is prohibited to use the national anthem for advertisements for commercial purposes.

The sanctions that will be imposed on any person who violates Article 64 are listed in Articles 70 and 71. Article 70 states that anyone who changes the National Anthem with a tone, rhythm, words and other compositions with the intention of insulting or degrading the honor of the national anthem shall be sentenced to imprisonment of 5 years or a maximum fine of Rp. 500 million.

Then, Article 71 also states that every person who deliberately listens, sings, or disseminates the modified result of the national anthem, will be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 1 year or a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million.

Here are the lyrics of the song Indonesia Raya Tiga stanza

Indonesia is my homeland, The land where my blood is shed, There I stand, So guide my mother.

Indonesia, my nationality, nation and homeland, Let us cry out, Indonesia is united.

Long live my land, Long live my country, My people, my people, all of them, Awake the soul, Build the body, For Great Indonesia.


Indonesia, glorious land, our rich land, there I stand, For ever.

Indonesia, the heritage land, all of us P'saka, Let us pray, Indonesia is happy.

Fertilize the land, Fertilize the soul, the Nation, the People, everything,

Be aware of his heart, Be aware of his heart, For Great Indonesia.


Indonesia, a holy land, our sacred land, there I stand, Take care of a true mother.

Indonesia, radiant land, Land that I care about, Let us promise, Indonesia is eternal.

S'lamatlah the people, S'lamatlah the son, the Island, the sea, everything,

Forward the country, for the pandunya, for Great Indonesia.


Great Indonesia, Merdeka, Freedom, My Land, my beloved country! Great Indonesia, Freedom, Freedom, Long live Great Indonesia.