Supported By Investigating Allegations Of Social Assistance Corruption In Gunung Rancak Sampang Village, Kejari Akui Has Checked Witnesses In District

The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) is supported by a thorough investigation into allegations of corruption in the distribution of social assistance (bansos) to underprivileged poor people in Gunung Rancak Village, Sampang Regency, East Java (East Java). The support came from local villagers.

Spokesperson for Gunung Rancak Hatiyah Village said the social assistance allegedly misappropriated by officials in the village was direct cash assistance from village funds (BLT-DD) for the 2020 fiscal year.

"We convey this support so that there will be no more similar cases in the future," he said in Sampang, East Java, Friday, January 13, quoted by Antara.

Hatiyah explained that this case was revealed because many poor people were less able to escape assistance. However, the more capable residents actually received assistance.

Residents also found that there was falsification of the signature of the beneficiary family (KPM) of BLT-DD recipients in Gunung Rancak Village, Robatal District, Sampang.

"On that basis, we agreed that the case should be processed legally, so that the problem becomes clear," he said.

Earlier on Thursday, January 12, a number of residents from Gunung Rancak Village also visited the Sampang Kejari office to question the follow-up to the investigation of the case.

In addition, residents also requested that the investigation of cases that harm the poor and underprivileged be objective and professional.

"We believe in the prosecutor's office, we hope that the prosecutor's office does not want to be intervened by parties and groups of anyone who is feared that there will be legal politicization," said Hatiyah.

He asked that the alleged BLT-DD corruption case in his village is not seen politically, but from a legal point of view.

"Indeed, some of the victims were political rivals during the Pilkades. But what needs to be considered is not on the political side, but on the side of violating the law," he explained.

Case Development

Responding to the residents' support, the Head of Intelligence at the Sampang Kejari, Achmad Wahyudi, explained that the handling of the Mount Rancak BLT-DD case continues and is still under investigation. A number of beneficiaries have been questioned regarding the case.

"The handling of cases continues, and examinations are carried out twice a week, we check not only at the prosecutor's office but also the Robatal District office," he said.

Wahyudi explained, based on the results of collecting information by the Sampang Kejari investigating team, it was found that there were allegations of misappropriation of the use of BLT-DD in the village.

"The value is Rp. 260 million and this data is the basis for our investigation," he said.

Kasi Intel Kejari Sampang Achmad Wahyudi also expressed his gratitude to the residents who came down to support the investigation of the alleged corruption case of BLT-DD in Gunung Rancak Village to completion.

"We are sure that thanks to the support of all parties, this case can be resolved soon. We emphasize that the Kejari is very committed to eradicating violations of the law and cases of alleged corruption," he said.