Komnas HAM Finds 7 Projectiles And Other Items Related To The Shooting Of FPI Soldiers

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has found a number of pieces of evidence related to the shooting of six Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) troops on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road that took place on Monday, December 7.

The evidence found by Komnas HAM included seven bullet projectiles and four bullet casings in the vicinity of the incident, namely the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road.

"The first detail of the projectiles is seven but we are not sure. So, of the seven we are not sure and one is sure of six. Meanwhile, the cartridges are four. Three are intact, the other one we suspect is on the back," said the Head of the Investigation Team and Komnas HAM investigation at Choirul Anam at the Komnas HAM office, Monday, December 28.

In addition, there are a number of other pieces of evidence found by the Komnas HAM Team, namely broken glass which was also found at the scene of the incident and several other findings such as recordings of conversations, footage of surveillance cameras or CCTV around the scene, as well as a number of other evidences that were not shown.

Furthermore, for the discovery of projectiles and casings, Anam said that his party would carry out ballistic tests. It is hoped that the test can be carried out in an open and accountable manner so that it can be ascertained whether the gun used is a homemade or a manufactured gun.

"Hopefully (the process, red) can be transparent, accountable, and we can have mutual access because this is important and awaited by many parties," said Anam.

Komnas HAM confirmed that it had not concluded any conclusions regarding the shooting incident which killed six FPI troops.

"It is important for us to say, we have never reached any conclusions," said Anam.

"If there is news of a conclusion, we will make sure it is a hoax. There are still (investigations, red) experts that we have not done. Hopefully this week we will do it and get better information," added the Deputy Commissioner of Komnas HAM.

Previously, the police attack by Rizieq Shihab's laskar took place around 00.30 WIB Monday, December 7 in the morning.

Initially, the Head of the Metro Jaya Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, said that the police received news that a mass of supporters of Rizieq Shihab would be deployed in connection with an investigation called Inspector General Fadil circulating in many WhatsApp groups. The Regional Police then conducted an investigation into the correctness of the information and followed the vehicle Rizieq was in.

Furthermore, on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 Toll Road, Fadil said the officers' vehicles were intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons.

"Members who were threatened with their safety because they were attacked, then took a firm measure of measure, so that the group suspected of being MRS followers, totaling 10, died as many as 6 people," said Fadil.

However, this was denied by the FPI Spokesperson, Munarman. Munarman emphasized that Rizieq had traveled to attend recitation at the residence of his immediate family. "The news is slander. Habib Rizieq is heading outside Jakarta to attend the nuclear family recitation. I do not want to mention where it is. This is only a nuclear family recitation, it does not involve any parties," said Munarman.

Munarman also denied that Rizieq's followers had firearms. Therefore, Munarman emphasized that no shootout was carried out by the police and members of the laskar.

Regarding the difference in this version, Komnas HAM then intervened by forming an investigation team and has carried out a number of parties including the Head of the Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, to the doctor who conducted an autopsy on the six bodies of FPI members.