Iwan, A Child Predator Who Targets The Supreme Court In Sawah Besar, Turns Out To Havecared Other Girls

JAKARTA - From the results of the investigation by the Jakarta Metro Police, the suspect in the kidnapping named Iwan Sumarno (42) alias Yudi alias Herman turned out to have attempted the kidnapping of another victim, namely B, who was still a minor.

"So, the Supreme Court victim is not the first victim. Previously on Jalan Industri, Sawah Besar, the suspect tried to seduce a child with the initials B. The mode is the same, with what was done with the Supreme Court victim," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin, Thursday, January 12.

From the suspect Iwan's statement, the perpetrator has accompanied the other victim with the initials B.

"More than 3 times the suspect lured the victim with the initials Bunga. By giving money worth 2 to 5 thousand rupiah and wafer-type snacks more than 3 times to victim B," said Kombes Komarudin.

In addition, the suspect persuaded victim B, but the victim refused.

"This prospective victim's parents are the same, namely collectors of used goods. This has been done by the suspect Iwan many times," he said.

However, when the suspect Iwan's actions did not bear fruit, then the suspect finally approached the Supreme Court victim with the same pattern.

"The suspect intensely approached the Supreme Court victim with the same pattern, luring him to give toys, money and food. Then the suspect managed to escape the Supreme Court victim for 28 days," said Kombes Komarudin.

Previously, it was reported that the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Central Jakarta Metro Police again revealed a new motive related to the kidnapping case experienced by MA (6) in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta.

"The suspect's motive for kidnapping was to make a child, then it was revealed that the suspect had sexual desire for the Supreme Court victim," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin to reporters, Thursday, January 12.

After an in-depth investigation, it turned out that the suspect was the kidnappers named Iwan Sumarno (42) alias Brid alias Yudi alias Herman had invited the victim to smooth out the perpetrator's sexual desire.

"The motive revealed in this case is not just inviting him to work. However (the suspect) has other desires (sexual deviation)," he said.