High Priests For Legal Langgar Again, 25 Prisoners For Drug Cases In South Sumatra Were Transferred To Nusakambangan

A total of 25 inmates (convicts) of high-risk drug cases violated the law and crimes at the South Sumatra prison (Sumsel) were transferred to Batu Nusakambangan Class I Prison, Cilacap Regency, Central Java (Central Java).

Head of the South Sumatra Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) Ilham Djaya said the transfer was carried out by bus or by land on Wednesday, January 11 evening. attached to a tight guard by prison officers and police officers at this activity.

In addition to 25 drug convicts, he said, his party transferred two female inmates to the Class II A Women's Prison in Semarang, Central Java.

The transfer of prisoners, he said, was carried out under strict escort involving 24 personnel consisting of four people from the Correctional Division, 10 prison officers, and 10 members of the South Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade.

The transfer of high-risk prisoners, he continued, was carried out to reduce the number of inmates in prisons whose condition is now full.

Ilham said that the transfer of prisoners was the commitment of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office to eradicate illicit drug trafficking in prisons, further coaching efforts, anticipate security disturbances, and order in prisons.

Meanwhile, based on an Antara report, the Head of the Correctional Division of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Bambang Haryanto, explained that the transfer of prisoners had been coordinated with the South Sumatra Regional Police for security and escort.

Bambang said the transfer process was carried out in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOP) that were determined, prioritizing the security side, and protecting human rights.