Dear Parents, Students In Banjarmasin Are Prohibited From Bringing Lato-Lato To School

The Banjarmasin City Education Office (Disdik) issued a circular prohibiting playing lato-lato in the school environment. This typical Palu child's game is also prohibited from being brought to school.

"That's right, we just issued the circular," said Head of the Banjarmasin City Education and Education Office Nuryadi in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Wednesday, January 11.

According to him, the circular he issued contained a ban on the use of late-lates in educational units, from kindergarten, elementary and junior high school levels under the auspices of the Banjarmasin City Education Office. "We addressed this circular to school supervisors and parents of students," said Nuryadi.

Nuryadi conveyed two instructions related to prohibiting the lato-lato game, namely, first instructing educational units to make a persuasive written circular to their respective students. "This is to prohibit students from bringing the late-lato game to school," he said.

Meanwhile, the second instruction from him, said Nuryadi, urges parents to supervise and ensure the safety of their children in doing lato-lato playing activities. "In order for them not to endanger themselves, others and their surroundings," he added. According to him, this circular was made because he saw the reality in the field or at school, many students played late-lato, which resulted in disruption of the teaching and learning process.