Mahfud MD Admits There Is Delay In Socialization With The Natuna Regional Government

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD acknowledged the delay in socialization with the Natuna Regional Government, because it made the Natuna area a corona virus observation site for Indonesian citizens returning from Wuhan, China.

According to him, the delay in information between the central government and regional governments and the community occurred because of the rapid development of information.

"Indeed, there was something like, not miscommunication, yes, delays in information. Because developments were taking place so fast. So, when the government got the greenlight to return our Indonesian citizens from Wuhan, they immediately worked quickly and decided to take a place in Natuna which is considered the easiest, safest place and close to military agencies, "Mahfud said in a press conference at the Kemenkopolhukam Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 4.

It is known, before holding a press conference, Mahfud MD had a meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto, as well as the Regent and Deputy Regent of Natuna in a closed session for about 45 minutes.

Even though there was a delay in information regarding the quarantine process, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) guaranteed that the existence of the quarantine place would not endanger the surrounding community.

"In addition to officially guaranteeing it, the Minister of Health said earlier that he guaranteed his body," he said.

Going forward, communication will continue to be carried out by the Natuna community so that this misunderstanding can be resolved immediately. Moreover, Mahfud explained that the Indonesian citizens who were in quarantine were in good health and were there to implement international standards.

In fact, Mahfud had planned to come to Natuna on Thursday, February 6 with a number of other officials to attend istigasah and prayer together.

In addition, to create a more humane atmosphere, the Menkopolhukam said that a post would be opened where officers would not wear masks and work as usual.

Ask Natuna Residents Don't easily believe in hoaxes

After attending a press conference with the Menkopolhukam, Regent Natuna Abdul Hamid Rizal confirmed that previously the local government had not been invited to socialize. It's just that now the residents have understood and the waves of rejection are no longer happening because they already know what the central government is doing.

"Well, that was earlier, said Pak Mahfud because the evacuation was too fast so maybe the information is a bit late," said Hamid.

"Ordinary, the name is a village person. There has never been anything like that, so worry, what is this quarantine," he added.

He also denied that there was currently an exodus by his residents. Instead of the exodus, said Hamid, some of the residents had indeed returned to their hometowns because it was clove season in some of these areas. "So there is no term ecosodus. For exodus, Natuna is empty," he said.

Meanwhile, regarding the quarantine location for Indonesian citizens who have just returned from Wuhan, it is indeed a very close distance from residential areas. According to Hamid, the distance is almost 2 kilometers.

However, he said the distance was safe considering that the location was at a military base which had been closed and could not be entered carelessly by residents.

Not only that, Hamid also ensured that his area was ready in case of the spread of the corona virus. Because in Natuna, there is already a health center ready to serve public complaints.

"We will make every health center in Natuna Regency a post to serve reports and complaints from the public. So that if someone feels something is lacking, we will immediately handle it," he said.

Previously reported, the government had repatriated 238 Indonesian citizens (WNI) from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, related to the corona virus attack. Hundreds of these people arrived on Sunday, February 2 at Hang Nadiem Airport, Batam.

Furthermore, they were flown to Raden Sajak Airbase in Natuna, Riau Islands to undergo a series of medicals for two weeks.

However, a number of Natuna residents have refused to use the area where they live as an observation location for the corona virus. As a result, residents held demonstrations by means of giving speeches and burning tires.

The TNI-Polri also intervened to reduce the rejection by providing an explanation of the corona virus observation process. The Natuna community was asked not to worry because there was a guarantee that the virus would not spread and infect other people.