Health Workers And COVID-19 Patients At The Mesum Athlete House In The Treatment Room Toilets

JAKARTA - The police said that the nasty action between COVID-19 patients and the health workers at Wisma Atlet was carried out in the bathroom of the treatment room. This is known based on the results of examinations from health workers.

"In one of the toilets in the treatment room at Wisma Athlete," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto to reporters, Sunday, December 27.

However, it is not known when the immoral act was carried out. The investigator will investigate it by re-examining the health worker.

"We do not yet know (when to do it), what is clear is that a nurse said he did. We will investigate how many times and how long he did it," he said.

The process of investigating this case, said Heru, was somewhat delayed because the reported party or the COVID-19 patient was still undergoing treatment. A new examination can be carried out after the reported party is declared cured.

"The patient is still COVID-19 so we can't check it yet. But later when it is cured we will check it," he said.

In this case, the investigator used Article 36 concerning pornography and Article 45 paragraph 1 and Article 27 paragraph 1 concerning ITE. So, later the suspect in this case will face a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison