Police Raise Same-Sex Nasty Cases At Athletes' House Into Investigation

JAKARTA - The police have increased cases of allegedly spreading pornographic content involving COVID-19 patients and health workers from Wisma Atlet Kemayoran from investigation to investigation. Both are still witnesses.

"Based on the title of pelara, investigators have decided to upgrade this case to a fingerprint," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to VOI, Sunday, December 27.

In this case, said Yusri, the report received by the Central Jakarta Metro Police was related to the spread of pornographic content through social media. The reported party in this case was a COVID-19 patient.

"The issue is spreading pornographic content through three accounts. This is what we are still investigating," said Yusri.

Investigators are still gathering evidence and clues. It is possible that in the near future investigators will determine a suspect.

"We have to move quickly because there is evidence that has been confiscated. For this we are waiting for easy steps as soon as we can carry out examinations of several witnesses," he said.

Previously, the Kodam Jaya officially reported cases of alleged immoral acts involving unscrupulous health workers and COVID-19 patients to the police. The report was officially received by the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Saturday, December 26.

"We have reported the alleged immoral act last night," said Kapendam Jaya, Lieutenant Colonel (Lieutenant Colonel) Arh Herwin Budi Saputra.

Not long after the report, said Herwin, the police had carried out a series of investigative processes. This individual health worker has been questioned regarding the alleged assulisa case.

But regarding the results of the investigation, Herwin said he could not convey it. This is because the authority regarding the results of the examination rests with the police.

"The police examined the health workers yesterday at around 22.00 WIB. But we cannot convey the results of our investigation," he said.