Grilling Chicken Breeder Rp3.2 Trillion, Minister Of Trade Zulhas: Later We Will Call

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan responded to complaints from independent chicken breeders who are members of the National Unggas Breeder Community (KPUN). He said that in the near future he would summon the chicken breeders.

"Later we will follow up, we invite related entrepreneurs. Like yesterday," he said when met at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 10.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is called, highlighted the price of chickens at the farmer level.

He said, if the price of chicken is too cheap, farmers will lose. On the other hand, if the price is high at the consumer level, mothers will complain.

The price is too cheap, isn't it? So hens are generous, angry eggs (employees), if the women are too angry. Later we will call the relevant entrepreneurs so that this can be overcome," he explained.

As is known, independent breeders who are members of the National Task Force Breeder Community (KPUN) held a demonstration in front of the Office of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag).

The breeders complained about the price of live chickens in cages which had fallen since the 2022 Christmas holidays.

Independent farmers nationally have suffered losses during 2022 reaching IDR 3.2 trillion.

The value is an accumulation of the losses of national independent breeders.

The price of chickens lives in cages of IDR 15,000 per kilogram (kg) mainly in the Central Java region, which is the center of the broiler's chicken population.

Meanwhile, the cost of producing farmers reaches IDR 20,500 per kg. This means that the capital price is greater than the selling price.

The village was conveyed during a demonstration at the Office of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) this morning at around 10.00 WIB.

Representatives from KPUN were also received by the Director of Basic Goods and Important Goods (Bapokting) of the Ministry of Trade, Bambang Wisnubroto.

The chairman of the National Task Force Breeders Community (KPUN), Alvino Antonio, said that during the meeting, his party was advised to make a letter addressed to Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan to convey the demands of farmers.

"The advice from Mr. Wisnu, tomorrow we will be told to make a letter to the Minister of Trade asking for an audience, God willing, the Minister of Trade will accept it. The time is not yet tomorrow we are told to write a letter," said Alvino.