December 27 In History: Star Wars Fever In England

JAKARTA - Today is December 27 43 years ago or in 1977, thousands of British people flocked to the cinema. They came to watch the long-awaited film: Star Wars --a film that has already made the United States box office resonate.

While enduring the cold weather, wrote the BBC, both young and old were queuing up early in the morning in Dominion, London and at the Leicester Square cinema. Star Wars, which had its first release in America seven months earlier, had shocked audiences and surpassed the blockbuster Jaws with a gross of $ 156 million at the box office.

This film stars Carrie Fisher, Sir Alec Guinness, and Harrison Ford. This film, written and directed by George Lucas, tells the story of the classic epic of good versus evil.

This science fiction genre film has captivated the audience with its dazzling special effects. The characters of magicians, heroes, monsters in this "faraway galaxy" also hypnotized the audience.


At least 900 people were involved in the filming process. Including those who play giants, dwarves, artists, and people who build war machines.

Many optical special effects were developed in California by Industrial Light and Magic, a George Lucas company. Special effects on stage put together at Elstree studios in England.

With this crazy production process, Star Wars reaped the rewards. This film succeeded in creating fanatical fans. No exception in England.

The Star Wars fever led shops in the UK to sell their products in Star Wars "packaging." Starting from t-shirts, candy, toys, watches and many foods that are labeled Star Wars.

The Lucas company even publishes cover books and special editions of Marvel comics to meet the thirst for Star Wars merchandise from its fans.